Nieuw centrum-liberale fractie in wording (en)
Auteur: | By Sharon Spiteri
EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Senior Liberal MEPs have backed the creation of a pro-European centrist group in the European Parliament, the first of its kind since direct elections began in 1979.
The existing Liberal group will now be joined by Francois Bayrou's UDF party as well as the liberal Margherita party - which forms part of Commission President Romano Prodi's Olive Tree Coalition - both parties have switched from the Parliament's centre right grouping.
Titled the 'Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe' the group promises to have "a distinctively pro-European platform".
It will have at least 80 MEPs, making it the third largest grouping in the parliament.
The new group is likely to be backed by Liberal MEPs on 13 July.
Third largest force in parliament
Meanwhile negotiations continue with other parties to try and increase the size of the group.
The Liberal group currently has 67 members.
"This has the potential to be an historic moment in the history of the European Parliament. A new group on this scale and these terms would be the largest third force in European Parliament history", Liberal leader Graham Watson said.
"With our French and Italian partners we have begun to change the alignment of European politics back towards the liberal and democratic traditions of the political centre."
"Not only does this have the potential to put the politics back in Brussels, but it will provide a powerful show of commitment to advancing the work of a closer, stronger European Union", he added.
Mr Watson is said to want to remain head of the new group and sources told EUobserver that "nobody is against it".