Chirac acht Turks lidmaatschap EU wenselijk (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 10 mei 2004, 9:47.
Auteur: Richard Carter

Turkey's road to the EU will be "long and difficult", according to French President Jacques Chirac, but it is "desirable" that Turkey eventually joins the Union.

Speaking yesterday (9 May) with UK prime minister Tony Blair and 400 young people gathered at the Elysée Palace, Mr Chirac said, "The integration of Turkey into Europe will be long and difficult. But it will happen and it is desirable that it happens".

"The negotiations will be long and difficult. We should not be under any illusions about this. It will not happen overnight. It is an issue that will take years", continued the French President.

Mr Blair said that he was "open" to the possibility of Turkey joining the Union.

The vexed question of Turkey's entry into the EU splits French politics. The leader of the UMP (Mr Chirac's party) is opposed to Turkey joining the Union.

And Mr Chirac's main political rival, finance minister Nicolas Sarkozy also believes that Turkey does not belong in the European Union.

Mr Sarkozy said yesterday, "Turkey is not European in its geography, nor in its culture, nor in its history. It therefore has no place in Europe".

EU leaders, including the 10 new countries, will decide in December, on the basis of a Commission report, on whether accession negotiations with Turkey should begin.

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