EU-grondwet heeft gevolgen voor militaire aanwezigheid Amerika in Groenland (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 4 mei 2004, 17:41.
Auteur: Brigitte Alfter

With the EU Constitution in sight, there have been demands to investigate the consequences for the Danish territories in the Northern Atlantic, Greenland and the Faroe Islands.

The request was sent today (4 May) to the Danish prime minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, by the representatives of the territories in the Danish Parliament.

According to the letter, the Northern Atlantic representatives in the Folketing are worried about the possible impact of closer European co-operation - particularly in common foreign and defence policy.

The so-called Danish Realm Community, which includes Denmark, the Faroe Islands and Greenland, grants autonomy to Greenland and the Faroe Islands in many fields, but foreign policy is still governed from Copenhagen.

Out of the EU

Greenland left the EU in 1985, the Faroe Islands decided not to join in 1973. The two territories have cooperation agreements with the EU on several issues including trade and fisheries.

The question of defence policy is especially significant when it come to the Thule airbase in Greenland. Negotiations are currently going on between Denmark and the US about the possible use of Thule in US plans for a missile defence system.

Denmark has a defence agreement with the US dating back to 1951. However, the Danes wish to renew the agreement, and the Greenlanders want more influence on the decisions.

Independent Greenland

Neither Denmark's or Greenland's foreign ministers, who met in Greenland's capital Nuuk today, wanted to give any information about the negotiations.

"Whether Denmark will let the EU run its foreign and security policy, is a Danish decision. However, we have to remind you, that some of what you are about to give up does not belong to you. It belongs to us", said Lars-Emil Johansen, one of Greenland's two representatives in the Danish Parliament, during a recent hearing.

Mr Johansen considers a Danish signature under the EU Constitution a threat against the Danish Realm Community.

"The next step could be Greenland's independence", he said during a recent hearing held at the Danish Parliament.

So far there has been no comment from the Danish prime minister.

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