President Kwasniewski overweegt referendum over Grondwet in Polen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 28 april 2004, 9:22.
Auteur: Honor Mahony

Poland may call a referendum on the European Constitution, says it president.

In an interview with the Financial Times, Aleksander Kwasniewski said "Can the Constitution be sold in Poland? I think yes".

"In my view we can turn to public opinion, which is strongly in favour of the European Union".

However Mr Kwasniewski felt it was doubtful whether parliament could marshal the necessary two-thirds support to endorse the Constitution.

The Polish president also stressed that his country, which for so long held out against a new voting system in the Constitution, is now willing to compromise.

Poland would be prepared to compromise if the new Constitution allowed an "emergency brake" mechanism, under which the new voting system could be set aside for issues of vital national importance.

"The proposed safety elements, in my opinion, could be enough for Polish public opinion", said Mr Kwasniewski.

Meanwhile in other countries the pressure to hold a referendum is also high.

A survey conducted by the CSA institute in France found that 74% of those asked were in favour of a referendum.

French President Jacques Chirac has yet to say whether he will hold a public poll or not.

Jean-Pierre Raffarin, the French prime minister, has already spoken out in favour of one as has the French left who believe that the Constitution is too economically liberal.

Taking account of these fears, French foreign minister Michel Barnier said on Monday (26 April) that the social dimension of the European Constitution should be improved.

Speaking after a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Luxembourg, Mr Barnier said, "It is particularly necessary to improve the text in its social dimension", according to French media reports.

The Constitution has to be approved by all 25 member states for it to come into force.

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