Giscard d'Estaing pleit voor Grondwetreferendum in Frankrijk (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 27 april 2004, 9:43.
Auteur: Richard Carter

Valery Giscard d'Estaing, President of the Convention that drew up the European Constitution, has spoken out in favour of a referendum in France to ratify it.

In an interview with La Montagne, he said, "If you consider that the text, which stems from governmental agreements, is by nature constituent, then the natural approach would be to institute a referendum".

Furthermore, he added, "the fact that a stable presidency is created for Europe, that a European Foreign Minister will be created, that there will be a common defence policy, that there will be a European Parliament with full legislative rights, all these are important changes that have a constituent dimension".

Mr Giscard emphasised that the final decision should rest with French President Jacques Chirac, but noted that "there is a historic reference: all Constitutions that have been adopted in France have been adopted by referendum".

And he concluded that "to consult the French people on this subject is a reasonable and positive risk and it is right to take it".

Europe-wide referendum

Meanwhile, another prominent figure in European politics has called for a referendum to be held on a Europe-wide basis.

In an interview with the Financial Times Deutschland, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, leader of the Green group in the European Parliament, said, "My suggestion is that the Constitution should come into effect after a Europe-wide referendum in which a majority of EU citizens and at least two thirds of countries are in agreeement".

"This is the only way to move away from the principle of unanimity, which will lead to a blockage", he said, adding, "we are now in a situation in which Luxembourg, Malta or Cyprus could block the whole EU".

And a Europe-wide referendum would be one way to ensure that the vote was not hijacked by domestic issues, he concluded.

"No-one can have anything against a European referendum. And then the debate would really revolve around the question: Europe or not"?

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