EC: uitspraak in hoger beroep niet gunstig voor mogelijkheid toetreding Turkije (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 21 april 2004, 16:09.
Auteur: Andrew Beatty

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - The failure of an appeal by Kurdish rights activist Layla Zana has prompted the EU to warn Turkey that all political prisoners must be released before the country can join the EU.

The European Commission today condemned the decision by Turkey's State Security Court to uphold the verdict against Mrs Zana and four other co-accused, saying it cast a "negative shadow" over Turkey's reform efforts.

Layla Zana - a Saakarov prize winner and former Turkish MP - yesterday lost her appeal against a 15 year prison sentence after she was charged with being a member of a rebel group.

"Mrs Zana was imprisoned and sentenced for having expressed opinions in a non-violent way. So for us she is a political prisoner", said a spokesperson for EU enlargement Commissioner Günter Verheugen.

Asked what impact it would have on Turkey's bid for EU entry, the spokesperson said: "This is certainly an element that we would have to take into account".

Ankara's military establishment - as well as the government - are likely to see the unusually strong comments as a warning that Turkey's next batch of legislative reforms must curb the army's influence over the judiciary.

The next bundle of reforms are set to come before the Turkish parliament in the coming months and, according to senior Turkish diplomats, will limit the role of the army to matters concerning defence and security.

Since reforms aimed at EU membership were introduced, the army's role as the guarantor of a secular and unified Turkey has been curtailed, but their influence is still real and pervasive.

With some sections of the Turkish military still resistant to having their role undercut, the EU's hard line could be seen as warning that reforms must be implemented.

The European Commission is due to publish a crucial report on whether Ankara has met the political criteria for EU membership in October.

EU leaders will then decide in December, on the basis of the report, whether to open accession negotiations with the country.

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