Erkki Liikanen mogelijk nieuwe president Finse Centrale Bank (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 5 april 2004, 9:50.
Auteur: Marit Ruuda

Finnish Commissioner Erkki Liikanen is said to be considering applying for the post of Governor of the Bank of Finland.

His final decision is to come within the next few weeks, reports the Finnish daily Helsingin Sanomat.

Mr Liikanen's term as Commissioner for Industry and Information Society formally finishes at the end of October.

"I have not made any decisions. I will decide after Easter", Mr Liikanen told the paper.

According to the newspaper, Mr Liikanen will probably not apply for the position unless he is sure that he will be chosen.

The deadline for the application is 13 April.

He is not the only man interested in the post of Governor of the Bank of Finland, however. Ecofin Council chairman Sixten Korkman is also one of the possible candidates.

The president of Finland, Tarja Halonen, will make the final decision.

Of the current Commissioners, Frenchman Michel Barnier has become his country's foreign minister and Spanish Commissioner Pedro Solbes will take over as finance minister in Spain later this month.

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