Frauduleus declaratiegedrag europarlementariërs lijkt omvangrijk (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 29 maart 2004, 9:55.
Auteur: Honor Mahony

Expenses scams in the European Parliament by MEPs are reportedly much more widespread than had previously been thought.

According to Germany's Bild Zeitung, the independent Austrian MEP Hans-Peter Martin, in a private investigation, has recorded over 7,200 cases where MEPs claimed their daily allowance without having taken part in the Parliament's session.

The losses allegedly run into the millions.

The Bild Zeitung quotes Mr Martin as saying "I have recorded more than 7,200 problematic cases where MEPs have unscrupuloulsy registered for their daily allowance".

Mr Martin has been keeping a systematic eye on his colleagues in the European Parliament since February 2001.

Every time an MEP signs the attendance register, they are entitled to 262 euro for the day.

When Mr Martin's allegations first came to light some weeks ago, he was kicked out of the Socialist group in the European Parliament for refusing to apologize for his actions.

Since then, the MEP has continued to defend his statements and has released more precise accusations.

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