Peilingen EP-verkiezingen gunstig voor Zweedse sociaal-democraten (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 22 maart 2004, 10:00.
Auteur: Lisbeth Kirk

The governing Swedish Social Democrat party will gain in this June's European Parliament elections.

According to a fresh Tempo poll, Prime Minister Göran Perrson's party is set to obtain 35.4 percent of the votes and to score seven seats in the European Parliament - one more than now.

The Conservative, Moderaterne, will also improve and gain 23.7 percent - against 20 percent in the last elections five years ago. The party however may not gain extra seats.

Most focus has been on the new EU critical Junelist, which is tipped by the Tempo poll to score only 2.3 percent of the votes, which would not be enough to gain representation in the European Parliament.

"We already have half a seat in the EU. This is great as there has not yet been any EU debate. We have 84 days to go", said the top-candidate of the list Nils Lundgren.

The poll was carried out by Tempo on behalf of Dagens Nyheter during the period 10-18 March. The 1531 respondents were asked what party they would vote for in the European Parliament elections.

Only 54.7 percent mentioned a party, 19.3 percent said they would not vote and 23.1 percent did not know for whom they would vote.

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