EIB steunde projecten in Noord-Afrika en Midden-Oosten in 2003 met ruim 2 miljard euro (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Investeringsbank (EIB) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 12 maart 2004, 1:53.

In 2003, the first operational year since the launch of the EIB's Facility for Euro-Mediterranean Investment and Partnership (FEMIP), the European Investment Bank (EIB) lending in the Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) reached the record figure of EUR 2.1 billion ( EUR 1.8 billion in 2002). This confirms the position of the EU's financing institution as a major player in promoting the region's economic development and stability.

Focus on private sector and private-sector enabling infrastructure

EIB activity in the Mediterranean meets fully FEMIP's primary objectives: more than one third of the financing directly promoted the growth of private businesses, through Foreign Direct Investment FDI (Turkey, Tunisia), joint ventures resulting from cooperation between MPC promoters (Algeria) and Small- & Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) financing (Egypt, Syria, Tunisia, creation of a regional venture capital fund).

Lending also placed emphasis on infrastructure projects, including energy, human capital and environment, underpinning private sector development in Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon and Syria.

Other EIB-financed projects included:

    Power and water supply and distribution in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia;

    Improvement of health infrastructure in Syria and Tunisia;

    Remodelling of education systems in Jordan and Turkey;

    Assistance to populations stricken by natural disasters (Algeria).

Reinforced FEMIP: stronger financing and partnership in the MPC

FEMIP's 3rd Ministerial Committee Meeting (Naples, November 2003) reaffirmed the strong commitment of 27 European and Mediterranean Finance and Economy Ministers to forge a closer economic partnership.

The Brussels European Council agreed in December 2003 to develop FEMIP further and to reinforce its position within the Bank with a number of features in support of private sector development:

    Up to EUR 200 million from the Bank's reserves dedicated to allow for extended risk-sharing operations of up to EUR 1 billion, and a new lending structure to mitigate private sector risks (special "FEMIP" envelope);

    Improved dialogue on the structural reform process to enhance the environment for private sector activity, project and donor co-ordination; development of new financial products through transforming the Policy Dialogue and Co-ordination Committee into a Ministerial Committee of Finance Ministers meeting once a year, to be complemented by a High-Level preparatory body of experts (FEMIP Experts Committee);

    Establishment of a trust fund of EUR 20-40 million, directing resources to projects in certain priority sector (water, transport, electricity, human capital) that can be made financially viable via a grant contribution or risk-capital participation.

The reinforced FEMIP represents a major step forward in economic and financial cooperation between the Union and the MPC. Its priorities are:

    Extensive involvement of the MPCs in FEMIP policy with the creation of the Ministerial Committee Meetings and opening of regional offices in the Mashreq and Maghreb countries;

    Focus primarily on development of the wealth- and job-creating private sector;

    Develop investment in human capital;

    Greater technical assistance for the design of quality projects and the process of economic reform in the MPCs;

    Deployment of innovative financial products and risk capital;

Gradual increase in the annual volume of EIB activities in the MPC from EUR 1.4 to 2 billion.

[Graphic in PDF & Word format]

EIB financing in the region in 2003 broke down as follows:


BorrowerAmount in EUR m
Maghreb Countries819.0
Tunisia 395.0
Upgrading of gas supply, transmission and distribution networkSociété Tunisienne de l'Électricité et du Gaz (STEG) 55.0
Extension and modernisation of public urban rail transport in Greater TunisRepublic of Tunisia 45.0
Modernisation and expansion of metallurgical plant producing galvanised sheet steel in Bay of Sabra, north-west of TunisTunisacier S.A. 35.0
2003-2006 public healthcare investment programmeRepublic of Tunisia 110.0
Financing for small and medium-scale venturesArab Tunisian Bank 10.7
Banque du Sud 10.7
Banque de l'Habitat 10.7
Société Tunisienne de Banque SA 10.7
Banque de Tunisie SA 10.7
Banque de Tunisie et des Emirats d'Investissement 10.7
Tunisie Leasing 10.7
Amen Bank 10.7
Banque Internationale Arabe de Tunisie 10.7
Union Bancaire pour le Commerce et l'Industrie SA 10.7
Amen de Leasing 10.7
Compagnie Internationale de Leasing 10.7
Arab Tunisian Lease 10.7
Banque tuniso-koweitienne de développement10.7
Algeria 230.0
Reconstruction and repair of infrastructure in areas hit by earthquake on 21 May 2003Banque Algérienne de Développement 230.0
Morocco 194.0
Upgrading of infrastructure of 5 Moroccan ports (Tangiers, Larache, El Jadida, Essaouira and Sidi Ifni)Kingdom of Morocco 14.0
Construction of Settat-Marrakesh motorway, completing Casablanca-Marrakesh link constituting first section of North-South routeSociété Nationale des Autoroutes du Maroc 110.0
Rehabilitation and extension of sewerage network and construction of first sewage treatment plant in city of Oujda, eastern MoroccoRégie Autonome de Distribution d'Eau et d'Électricité d'Oujda 30.0
Creation and extension of professional training centres in tourism, textiles and information and communications technologies sectorsKingdom of Morocco30.0
Financing for microcredit operationsFondation Zakoura pour le Micro-crédit10.0
Association Al Amana pour la Promotion des Microentreprises
Machreck Countries665.4
Egypt 509.5
Construction of liquefied natural gas plant in Idku, east of AlexandriaEl Behera Natural Gas Liquefaction Company SAE 304.5
Construction of second 650 MW module for natural gas-fired combined-cycle power plantEgyptian Electricity Holding Company 150.0
Modernisation and extension of wastewater collection and treatment networkArab Republic of Egypt 55.0
Syria 90.0
Upgrading and development of Port of Tartous on Lebanese borderSyrian Arab Republic 50.0
Financing for small and medium-scale venturesSyrian Arab Republic 40.0


Construction of Amman Ring RoadHashemite Kingdom of Jordan 26.2
Reform of elementary education system and schools in JordanHashemite Kingdom of Jordan 39.7
Turkey 600.0
Rehabilitation and reconstruction of earthquake-damaged urban infrastructureRepublic of Turkey 150.0
Modernisation of automotive component manufacturing facilities at Bursa, on south-eastern coast of Marmara SeaAutomotive sector 250.0
Financing for small and medium-scale venturesTurkiye Vakiflar Bankasi TAO 200.0
Turkiye Sinai Kalkinma Bankasi AS
Mediterranean Group3.5
Equity participation in fund of funds contributing to creation of investment funds in Maghreb and Mashreq countriesAverroès Finance 3.5
Additionally as Acceding Country:


Upgrading of public service IT networks and office automation systemsRepublic of Cyprus 35.0
Construction and extension of school buildings and installation of ICT equipmentRepublic of Cyprus 200.0

For further information, please contact the Information and Communications Department,

Helen Kavvadia, Press Officer, tel.: +352 4379-3146, fax: +352 4379-3188/89

Internet address: http://www.eib.org

For all matters relating to procurement, the promoter should be contacted directly