Europese Commissie: Turkije is in staat om aan voorwaarden EU-lidmaatschap te voldoen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 25 februari 2004, 17:38.
Auteur: Honor Mahony

Speculation is mounting as to whether the European Commission is now set to back Turkish membership of the European Union.

Turkish papers Milliyet and Sabah cited enlargement commissioner Günter Verheugen as saying that he believed Turkey would meet the conditions for membership.

According to Reuters, the Commission denied that Mr Verheugen had said something so explicit. Brussels asserts that the enlargement commissioner had said that Ankara had the ability to meet the criteria for membership.

But this is also very positive as Mr Verheugen is responsible for a report in October which will recommend to member states whether or not membership negotiations should be started with Turkey.

And it follows other similar statements. Speaking to Deutschlandfunk radio, the German commissioner praised the reforms undertaken by Ankara, which "had changed more in the last two years than in the whole of the 80 years of modern Turkey's history".

"Possessing a strong and stable partner like Turkey for Europe's political and economical security would play an important role", said Mr Verheugen.

The possible shift in the Commission's outlook towards Turkey comes just after a visit by German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder to the country where he expressed his support to start membership talks "without delay" so long as the political criteria were met.

Majority of German citizens against

But although Germany and the UK support taking Turkey on board, there are still several opponents in the EU.

These include France and the Netherlands. France, particularly, is concerned that a 'yes' to Turkey would result in a 'no' to the European Constitution in any possible French referendum.

And there are real grounds for concern about the extent of EU citizens' support. A poll conducted today showed that a majority of German citizens are against Turkish membership of the EU.

The Stern magazine/RTL TV poll showed 57 percent against allowing Turkey into the EU, with 38 percent in favour and 5 percent unsure. In all, 1005 people were asked.

Turkey, a country with a mainly Muslim population of about 70 million, became an EU membership candidate in 1999.

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