Turkije wil volwaardig lidmaatschap, geen partnerschap (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 17 februari 2004, 8:59.
Auteur: Honor Mahony

Turkey has firmly rejected the idea of pursuing a privileged partnership with the EU instead of full membership.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he did not want to discuss the idea which has been strongly pushed by the German opposition Christian Democrats (CDU).

Full membership of the EU would mean that the Union is not a "christian club", said Mr Erdogan.

"Until now it was not part of the discussion and we will not bring it into the discussion", said the Turkish premier about privileged partnership.

Ankara's refusal to countenance the idea, known as the 'third way' during a visit by head of the CDU Angela Merkel to the country yesterday (16 February), has reignited the debate among political parties in Germany.

It also comes just one week before an official visit by Chancellor Gerhard Schröder - whose government is generally more supportive of Turkish EU membership - to the country.

This year will be a decisive year for Turkey as member states will decide in December whether Turkey meets the political criteria for EU membership.

Ankara first applied to join the EU in 1963 but has yet to start accession talks with the bloc which has always cited human rights as a reason for not starting negotiations.

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