Slowakije nomineert Jan Figel als kandidaat voor Europese Commissie (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 28 januari 2004, 17:34.
Auteur: Lucia Kubosova

The Slovak government has appointed Jan Figel, a former EU chief negotiator for Slovakia, to become its candidate for European commissioner.

"I appreciate the trust expressed by the government coalition", Mr Figel is quoted as saying by SITA agency, adding that he could work in fields such as science and research, regional issues, external relations, transport or energy.

The decision, which was taken yesterday after months of quarrelling, follows that of several other new members who have already nominated their Commissioners for Brussels.

EU leaders will select one Commissioner per new member state during the European Council on 25-26 March.

Two weeks later between 13-15 April, the European Parliament will put Mr Figel and the candidates through their paces by subjecting each of them to a hearing.

And a short two weeks later still - on 1 May - the new Commissioners will take up their posts in Brussels where they will swell the Commissioner ranks from 20 to 30.

Most of the new member states have chosen their candidates including Minister for Europe Danuta Hübner for Poland, Foreign Minister Joe Borg for Malta, former Prime Minister Siim Kallas for Estonia, Foreign Minister Sandra Kalniete for Latvia, Minister for Europe Janez Potocnik for Slovenia and Finance Minister Dalniete Grybauskaite for Lithuania.

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