Informele JBZ-Raad: lidstaten storten 30 miljoen euro in Fonds voor heenzending illegale immigranten (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 23 januari 2004, 9:52.
Auteur: Sharon Spiteri

The EU is committing 30 million euro to assist in the return of illegal immigrants, it was announced at an informal meeting in Dublin on Thursday (22 January).

Among the measures planned, the money will be used to fund joint charter flights to return illegal residents to their own countries.

"An efficient return policy is considered a key element in tackling human trafficking and illegal immigration", Irish Justice Minister Michael McDowell said - whose country currently holds the EU Presidency.

An agency to run the fund is expected to be in place in 12 months, the FT reports.

The UN refugee agency, however, was concerned about these plans, saying that "some crucial international protection standards are in danger of being seriously eroded".

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