Prodi benadrukt de verwachting dat Turkije een gelijkwaardige en gerespecteerde lidstaat zal worden (en)

woensdag 14 januari 2004

During the first visit of a Commission President in Turkey for the past 40 years, Romano Prodi will repeat the strong wish of the European Union to welcome Turkey as an equal and respected member. He will praise the changes undertaken by the Turkish government to meet the EU accession criteria and will call for the continuation and implementation of these reforms. Mr Prodi will also stress the strong preference of the EU for the accession of a united Cyprus to the EU on the 1st of May, following a settlement based on the UN peace plan, and insist on the benefits of such an outcome for Turkey.

The visit will take place 15 and 16 January in Ankara and Istanbul. Mr Prodi, who will be accompanied by Commissioner for Enlargement Günter Verheugen, will meet the President of the Republic Ahmet Necdet Sezer, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of the National Assembly Bülen Arinc, Minister for Foreign Affairs Abdullah Gül and the President of the Peoples Republican Party, the main opposition party in Turkey, Deniz Baykal. He will address the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and hold a speech at the Bogaziçi University in Istanbul.

This visit takes place at a crucial moment for Turkey. In nine months time, the Commission will present a report on the progress made by Turkey towards meeting the political criteria for EU accession, and will make a recommendation to the European Council who will decide, at its meeting in December 2004, on the possible opening of accession negotiations with Turkey.

The last regular report the Commission presented in November 2003 underlined the determined efforts and significant progress of Turkey towards meeting the political criteria. The report also stressed that further efforts are needed. This concerns in particular the strengthening of the independence and the functioning of the judiciary, the overall framework for the exercise of fundamental freedoms (association, expression and religion) the further alignment of civil-military relations with European practice, the situation in the Southeast and cultural rights. Turkey should ensure full and effective implementation of reforms to ensure that Turkish citizens can enjoy human rights and fundamental freedoms in line with European standards.

On Cyprus, the European Council, at its meeting in Brussels, stated that a settlement of this issue based on the plan submitted by UN Secretary general Kofi Annan "would greatly facilitate Turkey's membership aspirations". The Commission considers that the window of opportunity is still open for a comprehensive settlement before the 1st of May, thus allowing for the accession of a united island.