Vliegverkeer: Commissie sluit overeenkomst met Eurocontrol (en)

maandag 22 december 2003

The European Commission and Eurocontrol, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation today renewed and strengthened their co-operation by signing a Memorandum of Co-operation (MoC). Through the Memorandum, Eurocontrol will contribute to the Single European Sky, which was the subject of a final agreement in conciliation between the European Parliament and the Council, on 9 December. François Lamoureux, the Director-General of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Energy and Transport and Víctor M. Aguado, the Director-General of Eurocontrol, signed on behalf of their respective organisations.

The Memorandum of Co-operation signed today between the European Commission and Eurocontrol(1) will provide a more appropriate framework for co-operation than the exchange of letters that has governed their relationship since 1980. This further step to bring the two organisations closer together comes at a time when the European Community is acceding to Eurocontrol, and in the context of the Single European Sky that was agreed in conciliation on 9 December.

The Single European Sky is an ambitious initiative to reform the architecture of European air traffic control. It aims to introduce a more integrated operating airspace, interoperable systems and more efficient air navigation service provision to deal with the challenges facing European air traffic. Increased co-operation between the European Commission and Eurocontrol is needed to ensure that the rules and strategies of both organisations are consistent, and to avoid duplication of efforts.

The Memorandum of Co-operation is of twofold importance to the aviation community, as the two organisations will complement each other's work:

  • the Commission will benefit from the expertise of Eurocontrol in the development of the Community Single European Sky rules;

  • Eurocontrol and the Commission will extend their co-operation to other areas such as research and development, technical information, data collection and analysis in the air traffic and environmental areas, global satellite navigation systems (Galileo) and international co-operation with a view to build a unified European vision of future Air Traffic Management systems.

The agreement provides for different forms of co-operation, including information sharing and exchange, elaboration of technical material, joint activities, and participation in respective works and staff secondment. The agreement also provides for the definition of yearly co-operation programmes in the various areas identified. The Commission will help Eurocontrol by offering financial support for mutual activities.

For more information on the European Community's Single European Sky program and other actions in the aviation field please see:


For more information on Eurocontrol:


(1) EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, has 31 Member States: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom. The Organisations primary objective is to develop a seamless, pan-European air traffic management (ATM) system that fully copes with air traffic demand, while maintaining a high level of safety, reducing costs and respecting the environment.