Europees Parlement vraagt politie in Brussel om meer bescherming (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 5 december 2003, 9:16.
Auteur: Blake Evans-Pritchard

MEPs are calling on the Belgian police to provide greater protection for them at their Brussels headquarters, following a recent spate of muggings just outside the European Parliament, says the Times.

According to a recent survey, 345 parliamentary staff have been the victims of 480 attacks in the past three years - including muggings, car-jackings and robberies. Only one in 25 crimes have resulted in arrests.

German MEP Christa Klass recently had her handbag stolen outside the European Parliament. Her assistant complained, "The security people from Parliament couldn't do anything".

The European Parliament wants to see a police station established at its Brussels headquarters, though the Belgian authorities insist that there is no problem.

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