EU en India tekenen overeenkomst inzake samenwerking douanetarieven (en)

woensdag 3 december 2003

An agreement with India on customs co-operation and mutual administrative assistance in customs matters was initialled in Delhi on 29th November by the Head of the EU's Delegation to India, Mr. Da Câmara Gomes and Mr. P.R.V. Ramanan, Member of the Central Board of Excise & Customs of India. The agreement aims to improve customs co-operation in view of developing trade facilitation and will provide a suitable legal framework to enhance the fight against fraud and irregularities.

The agreement has strong political support on both sides. European Commissioner for Taxation and Customs Frits Bolkestein welcomed the conclusion of negotiations: "This is an important step forward as it contributes to facilitating trade and fighting fraud. It constitutes a strong incentive to promote the most advanced customs standards between us and other countries of the Indian subcontinent and Asia."

The Commission has negotiated the agreement with India on behalf of the European Community on the basis of the mandate it received from the EU's Council of Ministers on 28 January 2003. The agreement is very close to other agreements concluded by the EC with its major trading partners such as the United States, Canada, Korea and Hong Kong.

The scope of the agreement is co-operation between the parties with a view to simplifying customs procedures and developing trade facilitation actions in customs matters in accordance with international standards. It also sets up mechanisms of mutual administrative assistance for exchanging information and carrying out inquiries, with a view to combating fraud against our respective customs legislation. It will therefore improve the effectiveness of the fight against fraud and counterfeiting while guaranteeing protection and confidentiality of information and respecting the purpose for which the data concerned has been collected.

Total trade between the EU and India increased from €25.0 billion EU in 2001 to €26.9 billion in 2002, registering a growth rate of 7.36%. The forthcoming enlargement of the EU and the necessity to reinforce customs co-operation between key partners make this agreement even more necessary.

The formal conclusion of the agreement on behalf of the Community requires the adoption of a Council decision following a proposal from the Commission and is expected to take place in early 2004.