Zweedse Groenen starten campagne voor referendum (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 25 november 2003, 11:14.
Auteur: Luise Hemmer Pihl

The Swedish Green party has started a petition to hold a referendum on the European Constitution, in a bid to put pressure on the government which has said Swedes will not vote on the matter.

"I am certain that we shall get around two hundred thousand signatures", said a Green spokeswoman, according to Dagens Nyheter.

The campaign - which was launched on Sunday - is designed to increase political pressure on politicians during negotiations followed by the ratification procedure, rather than to force a vote.

The Swedish government has decided that the acceptance of the future EU Constitution will not require a referendum, arguing that the issue is too complicated.

Maria Wetterstrand, the Green's spokesperson said that there is no reason to believe that Swedes are less capable of understanding what the constitution is about than are the peoples of the seven nations that have already decided to have referenda.

The campaign will be supported by the EU critical organisations as well as by EU critics in the Social Democratic party and the Centre Party.

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