Meer bier naar Zweden door harmonisatie EU-wetgeving (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 14 november 2003, 9:35.
Auteur: Luise Hemmer Pihl

According to EU rules, passengers on ferries to Sweden from Finland passing the autonomous Åland Islands are allowed to import two rations of alcoholic drinks into Sweden: an EU ration and a tax-free ration, writes Svenska Dagbladet.

The issue has been brought up partly due to EU regulation and partly by Finland's lowering of alcohol taxes, which it has done in order to compete with Estonia, according to Svenska Dagbladet.

Until recently most passengers were ignorant of the fact that a close reading of the EU rules entitled them to do this.

Swedish customs expect an explosive import of alcoholic drink into Sweden which has a restricted national alcohol policy. Passengers will be entitled to import 64 litres of tax-free beer purchased on board the ferries, as well as 110 litres bought on shore in an EU country.

The issue for Swedish politicians and tax authorities, who fear an interference in Sweden's national alcohol policy and lower tax revenues, is further aggravated by the fact that Finland has decided to cut taxes on alcohol in order to counter competition from Estonia, which will become an EU member from May 1, 2004.

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