[autom.vertaling] Zweedse rapportpunten aan stijging van misbruik van fondsen (en)
Auteur: Luise Hemmer Pihl
The number of reported instances of misuse of EU money in Sweden increased last year according to a report seen by Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter.
But although the number of reported cases was up 34% from 2001-2002 , the cost of the misuse fell by 16%.
According to the report from the Swedish government's Economics Crimes Bureau (Eksbrottsmyndigheten), in 2001, 80 instances of fraud were reported, compared with 107 in 2002.
In 2001 the deficit was 37 million Swedish kronor (SEK) (€4m), compared to 31 million SEK (€3.35m) in 2002. Thus, the amount defrauded has decreased while the number of cases has increased.
Abuse of the structural funds (funding to develop the regions) and customs fraud appeared to increase, while problems have reduced in the area of farm subsidies.
The figures also include cases of carelessness.
The most common cases relate to falsified documents, more than one application for the same project, incorrect statements on cultivated areas, on numbers of animals, on classification of grazing areas and incorrect bookkeeping.
The Economic Crimes Bureau is unable to point to any direct cause in the changes, writes Dagens Nyheter.