[autom.vertaling] Bulgarije wacht als de besprekingencontant geld van de EU (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 29 oktober 2003, 17:33.
Auteur: Mihaela Gherghisan

EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Bulgaria is pushing to conclude negotiations with the EU next year so it can achieve the political promise of becoming an EU member in 2007.

While in Brussels Wednesday 29 October, the Bulgarian chief negotiator, Meglena Kuneva, said that the best recognition for the Bulgarian efforts would be the close of pre-accession talks in 2004.

The country has been making progress and has almost concluded all 30 chapters of EU negotiations but difficult chapters with financial implications (like budgetary contribution and agriculture) are still to be discussed.

For the moment they are being held up as current member states wrangling over their budget.

A debate on the EU's budget from 2007, which has just began in Brussels will determine the money available for Bulgaria and their co-applicants Romania.

The Commission has promised that the figures relevant to them will be on the table in January next year, which will allow the countries to conclude negotiations in 2004, as foreseen.

Bulgarian fears that without this money being on the table, the vital momentum might go out of the process.

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