EU en Kaapverdië verlengen visserijprotocol met één jaar (en)

maandag 27 oktober 2003

The European Commission, on behalf of the European Union, and Cape Verde have agreed to extend the current three-year protocol to their fisheries agreement by a year. This protocol, due to end on 30 June 2004, will cover the period from 1 July 2004 to 30 June 2005. The conditions will remain exactly the same as they are now. However, in line with the partnership approach, a number of innovations have been agreed including measures to strengthen control activities and a joint study on the fisheries sector to prepare the negotiations over the next protocol. Fishing possibilities under the current protocol concern essentially tuna but there also some possibilities on demersal (close to the sea floor) species. Vessels operating under this protocol come from Spain, France and Portugal.

Fishing possibilities are as follows:

  • Tuna fisheries : 62 surface long-liners, 37 seiners and 18 pole-and-line vessels;

  • Demersal species: bottom long-liners, on the basis of 630 Gross Registered Tonnes per month averaged over a year.

The financial contribution amounts to € 680,000 a year. 42% of this total (€ 280,000) go to targeted measures such as fisheries research control and surveillance of fisheries activities programmes and support for quality and control of fish products. Ship owners' financial contributions stand at € 2,750 for tuna seiners, € 2,000 for surface long liners, € 400 for pole-and-line vessels and €168 for bottom-liners.

The EU and Cape Verde have agreed to launch a joint, wide-ranging study on a number of aspects in the fisheries sector at the beginning of next year. The elements from this study will help them to negotiate the next protocol according to the principles of the partnership agreements.

To strengthen the monitoring of fisheries activities in the waters of Cape Verde, the two parties have agreed on the introduction of the satellite-based vessel monitoring system (VMS) towards the end of 2004, following the result a joint feasibility study.

In a separate development, the Commission decided on 15 October 2003 to add Cape Verde to the list of countries which can export fisheries products to the EU under the EU public health rules for these products.