[autom.vertaling] De studie van Finland schetst voordelen van NAVO (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 24 oktober 2003, 9:03.
Auteur: Blake Evans-Pritchard

A Finnish think tank has released a booklet in support of NATO, stating that the EU's common military defence would benefit from close co-operation with NATO.

In the introduction, Pentti Vartia, head of the Centre for Finnish Business and Policy Studies, who prepared the report, says, "For Finland, the option of combining NATO membership with taking part in the EU defence co-operation is worthy of consideration".

Mr Vartia says that there are three choices open for Finland - to continue military non-alliance, choose alliance within the EU, or join the EU defence core and NATO at the same time.

He adds that EU security guarantees are not plausible without NATO.

The report adds, "NATO is the only organisation in the Euro-Atlantic region that specialises in defence and security matters. For its member countries it is a forum for dialogue, influence, and problem-solving in all security and defence issues".

Finland is not currently a member of NATO.

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