[autom.vertaling] Het Europese Agentschap van de Veiligheid van de Luchtvaart stijgt op (en)

donderdag 2 oktober 2003

The European Aviation Safety Agency has been operational since 28 September 2003. « The Commission welcomes the fact that the Agency can now start its certification activities. » said Loyola de Palacio, Commission Vice-President responsible for Energy and Transport, ;« Thanks to the Agency, the high level of safety and environmental protection that EU air passengers and citizens already enjoy will be significantly improved. And the aviation industry's costs will fall as a result of the issuing by the Agency of certificates recognised EU-wide. »

The European Aviation Safety Agency became truly operational on 28 September 2003, as provided for in the Regulation setting it up(1). Its main task is to ensure a high level of safety and environmental protection in the field of civil aviation. Enjoying its own legal personality, it assists the Commission in the exercise of its legislative and regulatory tasks. It is responsible for issuing certificates for aeronautical products and approvals for design and production bodies.

Hitherto, certification was the responsibility of the Member States. In future, the Agency will issue certificates recognised EU-wide, which will reduce costs for the aviation industry.

Ultimately, the Agency will develop its know-how in all areas of aviation safety to help the EU establish common rules for:

  • the certification of aircraft and products, parts and equipment;

  • the certification of bodies which design and manufacture aeronautical products;

  • the maintenance of aircraft and products, parts and equipment ;

  • the approval of bodies and personnel responsible for maintenance;

  • the approval of aviation activities;

  • licensing of crew members;

Initially, however, the Regulation setting up the Agency is limited to laying the foundations for Community action relating to the type-certification and maintenance of aircraft and products, parts and equipment. The Commission, assisted by the Agency, will gradually propose modifications to the Regulation to extend it to other areas.

The Agency is directed by Patrick GOUDOU, its Executive Director. The Board of the Agency, made up of representatives of the Member States and the Commission, establishes the priorities, sets the budget and supervises the operation of the Agency. The website of the European Aviation Safety Agency can be accessed at:

http://www.easa.eu.int ;

(1)Regulation EC 1592/2002