Nieuws bij Beleid buitenland Columns over 9 juli 2021 geen pasfoto beschikbaaar Providing protection through joint leadership: stepping up resettlement and complementary legal pathways 8 juli 2021 geen pasfoto beschikbaaar Syria: Commissioner Lenarčič visits Turkish border and calls for renewal of UN cross-border resolution 8 juli 2021 geen pasfoto beschikbaaar Turkey: MEPs strongly condemn repression of opposition 8 juli 2021 geen pasfoto beschikbaaar Nicaragua: MEPs demand the repeal of punitive laws against the opposition 8 juli 2021 geen pasfoto beschikbaaar Europees Parlement keert zich fel tegen Hongaarse anti-LHBTIQ-wet 8 juli 2021 geen pasfoto beschikbaaar Human rights: MEPs want corruption punished under EU sanctions regime 8 juli 2021 geen pasfoto beschikbaaar Second EU - Western Balkans Ministerial Meeting on Employment and Social Affairs 8 juli 2021 geen pasfoto beschikbaaar Human rights breaches in Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia and Iran 7 juli 2021 geen pasfoto beschikbaaar Derde landen kunnen EU Hof vragen om EU-besluiten te vernietigen 7 juli 2021 geen pasfoto beschikbaaar MEPs call for the protection of fundamental values in the EU and worldwide 7 juli 2021 geen pasfoto beschikbaaar Mid-Term Evaluation of the Facility for Refugees in Turkey: EU support made a significant contribution to the welfare of Syrians and others fleeing conflict in the region 7 juli 2021 geen pasfoto beschikbaaar EU Parliament adopts two funds for asylum and border policies 6 juli 2021 Belarus komt met drastische maatregelen tegen Europa 6 juli 2021 geen pasfoto beschikbaaar Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the alignment of certain third countries concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Belarus 5 juli 2021 geen pasfoto beschikbaaar Afghanistan: EU mobilises €25 million in humanitarian aid to fight hunger 5 juli 2021 geen pasfoto beschikbaaar Berlin Summit: Western Balkans strengthen regional cooperation and foster closer ties with the EU 3 juli 2021 geen pasfoto beschikbaaar EU deploys immediate assistance to help Cyprus contain devastating forest fires 2 juli 2021 Excuses president Cyprus voor paspoorten aan niet-EU-burgers 2 juli 2021 geen pasfoto beschikbaaar Q&A: The Eastern Partnership post 2020 priorities 2 juli 2021 geen pasfoto beschikbaaar Eastern Partnership: a renewed agenda for recovery, resilience and reform underpinned by an Economic and Investment plan Recenter Eerder