Verordening 2007/864 - Recht dat van toepassing is op niet-contractuele verbintenissen (Rome II)
Inhoudsopgave van deze pagina:
The law applicable to non-contractual obligations
Regulation (EC) No 864/2007 — the law applicable to non-contractual obligations (Rome II)
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It brings greater legal certainty as to the law applicable with respect to non-contractual obligations, in particular in cases of tort (a wrong under civil law) and delict (civil liability). |
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It also ensures a reasonable balance between the interests of the person claimed to be liable and those of the person who has suffered damage. |
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Any law specified by the regulation is applied whether or not it is the law of an EU country. |
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The regulation applies to all EU countries except Denmark. |
The regulation does not replace national substantive laws (i.e. the laws that determine rights and obligations) on non-contractual obligations; it only determines which national substantive law applies.
The law applicable to a non-contractual obligation arising out of a tort/delict is:
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the law of the country where the damage occurs; or |
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the law of the country where both parties were primarily living or had their main place of business when the damage occurred; or |
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if the case is more closely connected with the law of another country, the law of that country. |
Under certain conditions, the regulation also allows the parties to choose, by mutual agreement, which law applies to a non-contractual obligation.
Scope of the law applicable
The law applicable to non-contractual obligations governs in particular:
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the basis and extent of liability, including determining who may be held liable; |
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the grounds for exemption from liability and the limitation or division of liability; |
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the existence, nature and assessment of damage and the remedy claimed; |
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the measures the court may take to prevent or terminate injury or damage and ensure compensation; |
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the manner in which an obligation may be extinguished and the rules relating to prescription or limitation; |
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the question as to whether the right to seek compensation can be transferred to someone else, including by inheritance; |
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persons entitled to compensation for damage they have sustained; |
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liability for the acts of another person. |
There are specific rules for specific non-contractual obligations, for example product liability and intellectual property. Certain non-contractual obligations are excluded from the scope of the regulation. These include:
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revenue, customs and administrative matters; |
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state liability; |
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specific non-contractual obligations arising out of, for example, matrimonial property regimes and family relationships, nuclear damage or violations of privacy and rights relating to personality, including defamation. |
As of 11 January 2009, except for Article 29 (which applies as of 11 July 2008).
Alongside this regulation (Rome II) please see the following.
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The Rome I regulation (Regulation (EC) No 593/2008) sets out the rules for determining the law applicable to contractual obligations in civil and commercial matters. |
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The Rome III regulation (Regulation (EU) No 1259/2010) sets out the rules for determining the law applicable to divorce and legal separation. |
See also:
Regulation (EC) No 864/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 July 2007 on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations (Rome II) (OJ L 199, 31.7.2007, pp. 40-49)
Regulation (EC) No 593/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 on the law applicable to contractual obligations (Rome I) (OJ L 177, 4.7.2008, pp. 6-16). See consolidated version.
last update 26.10.2015
Deze samenvatting is overgenomen van EUR-Lex.
Verordening (EG) nr. 864/2007 van het Europees Parlement en de Raad van 11 juli 2007 betreffende het recht dat van toepassing is op niet-contractuele verbintenissen ( Rome II )