Plenaire vergadering Europees Parlement, Straatsburg
datum | 7 april 2022 09:00 - 16:00 |
plaats | Straatsburg, Frankrijk |
locatie | Louise Weiss (LOW) i |
zaal | plenaire zaal |
organisatie | Europees Parlement (EP) i |
09:00 - 11:50 Debates
Deadline |
***I |
point |
Increased pre-financing from REACT-EU [COM(2022)0145 - C9-0127/2022 - 2022/0096(COD)] Committee on Regional Development One round of political group speakers |
point |
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12:00 - 14:00 VOTES
Deadline |
***I |
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Medicinal products made available in the UK with respect to Northern Ireland, Cyprus, Ireland and Malta [COM(2021)0997 - C9-0475/2021 - 2021/0431(COD)] Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety |
Deadline |
***I |
vote |
Investigational medicinal products made available in the UK with respect to Northern Ireland, Cyprus, Ireland and Malta [COM(2021)0998 - C9-0476/2021 - 2021/0432(COD)] Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety |
Deadline |
***I |
vote |
Increased pre-financing from REACT-EU [COM(2022)0145 - C9-0127/2022 - 2022/0096(COD)] Committee on Regional Development |
Deadline |
***I |
vote |
[COM(2022)0135 - C9-0126/2022 - 2022/0090(COD)] Committee on Industry, Research and Energy |
Deadline |
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The Schengen evaluation mechanism Report: Sara Skyttedal (A9-0054/2022) Report on the proposal for a Council Regulation on the establishment and operation of an evaluation and monitoring mechanism to verify the application of the Schengen acquis and repealing Regulation (EU) No 1053/2013 [COM(2021)0278 - C9-0349/2021 - 2021/0140(CNS)] Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs |
Deadline |
vote |
Human rights situation in North Korea, including the persecution of religious minorities RC-B9-0183/2022, B9-0183/2022, B9-0184/2022, B9-0193/2022, B9-0194/2022, B9-0195/2022, B9-0196/2022 |
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The situation of the rule of law and human rights in the Republic of Guatemala B9-0179/2022, B9-0180/2022, RC-B9-0182/2022, B9-0182/2022, B9-0187/2022, B9-0190/2022, B9-0191/2022 |
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vote |
Increasing repression in Russia, including the case of Alexey Navalny RC-B9-0181/2022, B9-0181/2022, B9-0185/2022, B9-0186/2022, B9-0188/2022, B9-0192/2022, B9-0214/2022 |
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Motions for resolutions - Right to repair B9-0175/2022 |
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Parliament’s estimates of revenue and expenditure for the financial year 2023 Report: Niclas Herbst (A9-0087/2022) Report on Parliament’s estimates of revenue and expenditure for the financial year 2023 [2021/2227(BUI)] Committee on Budgets |
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vote |
Situation in Afghanistan, in particular the situation of women’s rights RC-B9-0198/2022, B9-0198/2022, B9-0199/2022, B9-0202/2022, B9-0204/2022, B9-0205/2022, B9-0206/2022 |
Deadline |
vote |
EU Protection of children and young people fleeing the war against Ukraine B9-0207/2022, B9-0212/2022, B9-0213/2022 |
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Conclusions of the European Council meeting of 24-25 March 2022: including the latest developments of the war against Ukraine and the EU sanctions against Russia and their implementation RC-B9-0197/2022, B9-0197/2022, B9-0200/2022, B9-0201/2022, B9-0203/2022, B9-0210/2022, B9-0211/2022 |
15:00 - 16:00 Debates
Inhoudsopgave van deze pagina:
Het Europees Parlement (EP) vertegenwoordigt ruim 450 miljoen Europeanen en bestaat momenteel uit 720 afgevaardigden i (inclusief voorzitter). Nederland heeft 31 zetels in het Europees Parlement. Het Europees Parlement wordt geacht een stem te geven aan de volkeren van de 27 landen i die aan de Unie deelnemen, en vooral te letten op het belang van de Unie in zijn geheel.
De leden van het Europees Parlement worden om de vijf jaar rechtstreeks gekozen door de burgers van de Europese Unie. De volgende verkiezingen zijn in 2029. Het Parlement debatteert op basis van voorstellen van de Europese Commissie i en kan daarbij wijzigingen voorstellen, waarna het Parlement samen met de Raad van de Europese Unie i een beslissing over deze voorstellen neemt.