Friday 23 February: High Level Conference on the Sahel

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 23 februari 2018.

The news

The conference, co-chaired by the European Union, the United Nations, the African Union and the G5 Sahel, will focus on strengthening much-needed international support to Africa's Sahel countries in the areas of security and development, notably through the G5 Sahel Joint Force. It will gather Heads of State and Government from the European Union and the G5 Sahel countries (Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger) as well as high level attendance from other participating countries.

The background

  • The EU is a strong political partner of the G5 Sahel countries. High Representative Vice President Federica Mogherini has held annual meetings with G5 Sahel Foreign Ministers to strengthen cooperation in areas of shared interest such as security, migration, counter-terrorism, youth employment, humanitarian response and long-term development
  • The EU, together with its Member States, is the biggest provider of development assistance to the region with over €8 billion over 2014-2020 and uses all its tools to support development efforts in the region, notably the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa, to tackle the root causes of instability and irregular migration and create opportunities for youth. The EU is also member of the Alliance for the Sahel, set up to better coordinate development assistance in the region.
  • The EU is itself a key security player in the region, with its 3 active Common Security and Defence Policy missions; EUCAP Sahel Niger: EUCAP Sahel Mali: EU training mission (EUTM) in Mali.
  • The EU supports concrete regional led security initiatives. The EU has already provided an initial €50 million to establish the African led G5 Sahel Joint Force which aims to improve regional security and fight terrorist groups. It is also present and strongly engaged in the peace process in Mali.

The event

The High Level Conference on the Sahel will take place on 23 February at the European Commission in Brussels, between 08:30 and 11:30 approximately.

Media accreditation

Journalists must have valid media accreditation to attend any dedicated press events at the Conference.

Journalists already accredited to the EU institutions may attend with a valid yellow press badge (eg yellow badge from the European Commission, badge from the EU Council) and show the badge upon entering the Berlaymont on the day of the conference.

Journalists that are not accredited to the EU institutions must register before 19 February 2018, 12:00 by registering here and providing details such as name, media you work for, a copy of a valid national press card and national ID card. Both the valid national press card and national ID card must be shown upon entering the Berlaymont on the day of the conference.



Press contacts:

General public inquiries: Europe Direct by phone 00 800 67 89 10 11 or by email