Video EU Tech Briefing: geo-blocking, copyright reform, Passenger Name Record & Google antitrust case
Met dank overgenomen van viEUws - The EU Policy Broadcaster, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 14 april 2015.
In this Brussels Briefing on Tech, leading journalist Jennifer Baker provides an extensive update on the latest EU digital & ICT policy developments:
-Debate on geo-blocking within the European Commission: Vice-President Ansip declared that geo-blocking was not compatible with the internal market, while Commissioner Oettinger argued that geo-blocking could be justified in some cases.
-Copyright reform: Commission proposal is expected for the Autumn
-Google search case: the issue is high up on the Commission’s agenda again, as rumours suggest that antitrust Commissioner Vestager might issue a statement of objection (first step to punitive measures)
-Mergers and acquisitions in the telecom sector: there is heavy lobbying in Brussels in the context of two cases which could have strong impact on consumers
-Passenger Name Record (PNR): European Parliament will continue to examine the compliance of the PNR with EU law