Plenary debate: Northern Ireland peace process and Turkish-Cypriot tensions

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 12 november 2014, 10:51.

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The peace process in Northern Ireland and recent Turkish activities in Cypriot waters will be discussed during the Brussels plenary and highlighted in two resolutions to be voted on Thursday. The Cyprus debate is to be preceded by a statement by Federica Mogherini i, the EU's foreign affairs chief. Follow the plenary session live on our website from 15.30 CET.

In October, Turkey sent research and naval vessels into Cyprus's exclusive economic zone. As a result Cypriot president Nicos Anastasiades i suspended peace talks with the Turkish-controlled north of the island. In October EU leaders urged Turkey to show restraint, and to respect Cyprus’s sovereignty over its territorial sea and the country's sovereign rights in its exclusive economic zone. The issue will be discussed on Wednesday during the plenary session in Brussels.

All sides in the Northern Ireland peace process should refrain from “dangerous mutual provocation”, European Parliament President Martin Schulz i said in his opening of the plenary session in October. The issue will be discussed again in the Brussels plenary during a debate on peace preservation, humanitarian and rescue tasks and crisis management.

REF. : 20141111STO78308

Updated: ( 12-11-2014 - 10:58)