MEPs discussed human rights in Russia with Russian activists and officials

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 22 januari 2014.

The human rights subcommittee held a hearing on the human rights situation in Russia on Wednesday. MEPs discussed the impact of the "Foreign Agents law" on NGOs' work, the adoption of the controversial pieces of legislation ahead of the Sochi Olympics and the rights of LGBTI people in Russia, focusing on the impact on young people.

Guest speakers were Kirill Koroteev, Senior lawyer, Memorial, Tanya Lokshina, Russia Programme Director at Human Rights Watch, Wanja Kilder, from Quarteera, and representatives of the European External Action Service and Russia's Embassy.

Catch up with the recorded debate via VOD (click on 22.01.2014)

REF. : 20140120IPR33127


  • Raluca Viviana HULUBAN
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