Conclusies Raad van Ministers van Buitenlandse Zaken (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 31 januari 2013.





3218th Council meeting

Foreign Affairs

Brussels, 31 January 2013

President Catherine Ashton i

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy



Main results of the Council

The Council reiterated the EU's strong and continued commitment to the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Mali. It welcomed the progress of the Mali armedforces, supported by France and states of the region, in the North of Mali against the terrorist groups. It stressed the importance of continuing international commitment in support of Mali, in particular the efforts deployed by the African states. It also welcomed the adoption of a roadmap, a vital step towards fully re-establishing constitutional order.

The Council also welcomed the end of the transition in Somalia as a historic opportunity to leave behind two decades of conflict and undertook to sustain EU's collective efforts to support Somalia's transformation. The Council had an exchange of views with the President of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud.

The Council took stock of the situation in Syria and Egypt as well as of the EU response to the Arab Spring, in view of a debate at the European Council of 7/8 February.

The Council approved the crisis management concept for a possible civilian Common Security and Defence Policy mission to support border management in Libya.






Southern neighbourhood......................................................................................................................6


Somalia/l lorn of Africa........................................................................................................................8

The Arctic..........................................................................................................................................11

United States of America...................................................................................................................11



  • Iraq - restrictive measures.....................................................................................................................................13
  • Temporary' reception of certain Palestinians.........................................................................................................13
  • Afghanistan - restrictive measures........................................................................................................................13
  • EU action against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.....................................................................14
  • Tunisia - restrictive measures................................................................................................................................14


  • EU support for sustainable change in transition societies.....................................................................................14


  • EU exercise programme 2013 -2015...................................................................................................................... 14

Support for border security in Libya.....................................................................................................................14

  • • 
    Where declarations, conclusions or resolutions have been formally adopted by the Council, this is indicated in the heading for the item concerned and the text is placed between quotation marks
  • • 
    Acts adopted with statements for the Council minutes which may be released to the public are indicated by an asterisk; these statements are available on the Council's Internet site or may be obtained from the Press Office




High Representative

Ms Catherine ASHTON




Mr Nickolay MLADOV

Czech Republic:



Mr Villy S0VNDAL


Mr Guido WESTERWELLE Estonia:

Mr Urmas PAET Ireland:



Mr Dimitrios KOURKOULAS Spain:

Mr Gonzalo DE BITO SECADES France:

Mr Laurent FABIUS Italy:

Mr Giuliomaria TERZI Dl SANTAGATA Cyprus:


Mr Edgars RINKËVICS Lithuania:



Mr Christian BRAUN


Mr Péter GYÖRKÖS Malta:







Mr Radoslaw SIKORSKI



High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, External Trade and European Affairs

Minister for Foreign Affairs

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs

Minister for Foreign Affairs

Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs

Minister for Foreign Affairs

Minister of State for European Affairs

Tanaiste (Deputy Prime Minister) and Minister for

Foreign Affairs and Trade

State Secretary for Foreign Affairs

State Secretary for Foreign Affairs

Minister for Foreign Affairs

Minister for Foreign Affairs

Minister for Foreign Affairs

Minister for Foreign Affairs

Minister for Foreign Affairs

Permanent Representative

Permanent Representative

Minister for Foreign Affairs

Minister for Foreign Affairs

Vice-Chancellor and Federal Minister for European and International Affairs

Minister for Foreign Affairs

Minister for Foreign Affairs




Mr Titus CORLATEAN Slovenia:

Mr Karl Viktor ERJAVEC Slovakia:

Mr Miroslav LAJCAK Finland:

MrErkkiTUOMIOJA Sweden:


United Kingdom:

Mr William HAGUE

Minister for Foreign Affairs

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs

Minister for Foreign Affairs

Minister for Foreign Affairs

First Secretary of State, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs


Ms Maria DAMANAKI Ms Kristalina GEORGIEVA Mr Stefan FÜLE

Member Member Member

The government of the acceding state was represented as follows:



Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign and European Affairs



ITEMS DEBATED Southern neighbourhood

In view of a debate at the European Council on 7/8 February, the Council examined the state of play on the Arab Spring and took stock of the EU's response

The Council also discussed recent events in Egypt and the latest developments in Syria. Mali

The Council debated the latest events in Mali and adopted the following conclusions:

" 1. Rappelant ses conclusions du 17 janvier 2013, l'Union européenne réitère son engagement déterminé et continu en faveur de la souveraineté, l'unité et l'intégrité territoriale du Mali. Dans ce contexte et en cohérence avec les Résolutions pertinentes du Conseil de Sécurité des Nations unies (CSNU), en particulier les Résolutions 2071 et 2085,1TJE soutient les efforts de la région et de la communauté internationale. Elle salue l'avance des forces armées maliennes soutenues par la France et la région au détriment des groupes terroristes au nord du Mali, et elle réitère son plein soutien a une telle action. L'UE salue également l'adoption par l'Assemblée Nationale malienne de la Feuille de Route pour la Transition

  • 2. 
    L'UE souligne l'importance de la poursuite de l'engagement international en appui au Mali, en particulier la mobilisation des Etats africains. Dans ce contexte, elle salue le résultat de la Conférence des donateurs organisée par l'Union Africaine (UA) le 29 janvier 2013 et encourage la mise en ceuvre rapide de ses conclusions. L'UE encourage l'UA et la CEDEAO a accélérer le déploiement de la Mission Internationale de Soutien au Mali sous conduite africaine (MISMA), a laquelle elle se tient prête a apporter un appui financier et logistique. Considérant que le soutien a la MISMA constitue l'une des priorités de l'UE en Afrique, le Conseil réitère sa disponibilité a apporter a la MISMA un soutien significatif a travers la Facilité africaine de Paix. H demande a eet égard a la Commission et au Service Européen d'Action Extérieur (SEAE) de mettre en ceuvre, sans délai et sur la base d'une requête, les engagements pris par l'UE a la Conférence internationale des donateurs d'Addis-Abeba, notamment l'annonce d'une contribution de 50 millions d'Euro par la Commission. L'UE appelle d'autres donateurs a participer au financement durable et prévisible de l'opération



  • 3. 
    L'adoption de la Feuille de Route constitue une avancée essentielle dans la perspective du rétablissement complet de l'ordre constitutionnel, y compris le controle civil sur les forces armées, et de l'autorité de l'Etat sur l'ensemble du territoire maliën, et 1TJE appelle a sa mise en ceuvre urgente. Cette avancée permet la reprise graduelle de l'aide européenne au développement afin de répondre rapidement aux besoins prioritaires du Mali. Le Conseil invite par ailleurs la Haute Représentante et la Commission européenne a proposer des mesures spécifiques pour soutenir la mise en ceuvre de la Feuille de Route, y compris l'appui au processus électoral. L'UE rappelle l'importance de rétablir un dialogue national inclusif ouvert aux populations du nord et a tous les groupes rejetant le terrorisme et reconnaissant l'intégrité du Mali. La restauration rapide de l'autorité de l'Etat, de l'Etat de droit et des services publics dans les zones libérées du centre et du nord du Mali est également cruciale. A cette fin, en cohérence avec l'approche globale européenne, le Conseil salue les efforts conjoints du SEAE et de la Commission en vue de préparer des mesures concrètes d'assistance grace a tous les instruments a sa disposition
  • 4. 
    Le Conseil salue l'accélération de la préparation de la mission EUTM Mali de formation et de conseil aux Forces armées maliennes qui permettra de contribuer au renforcement de l'autorité civile et au respect des droits de l'homme. II rappelle l'objectif agréé par le Conseil du 17 janvier 2013 d'adopter au plus tard a la mi-février la décision de lancement de cette mission afin d'initier les premières actions de conseil
  • 5. 
    L'UE s'alarme des allégations de violations des droits de l'Homme et elle appelle les autorités maliennes a enquêter immédiatement sur ce sujet. L'UE se tient prête a fournir un appui approprié pour lutter contre ces abus. Elle souligne 1'importance du respect du droit international et rappelle en particulier aux autorités maliennes leur responsabilité première de protection des populations civiles. Tous les auteurs de violations des droits de l'Homme doivent être tenus pour responsables de leurs actes. L'UE salue la décision de la Cour Pénale Internationale d'ouvrir un enquête sur des violations et encourage la collaboration des autorités maliennes. Elle appelle également a la mobilisation rapide d'observateurs et le renforcement de la coopération des organisations internationales pour veiller notamment au respect des droits de l'Homme sur l'ensemble du territoire maliën
  • 6. 
    L'UE salue l'intention de la Haute Représentante d'accueillir a Bruxelles le 5 février la prochaine réunion du Groupe de Soutien et de Suivi sur la situation au Mali coprésidé par l'UA, CEDEAO et les Nations unies. Cette réunion fournira une occasion opportune de renforcer la coordination de l'engagement international en faveur du Mali, l'appui a la mise en ceuvre de la feuille de route et le suivi de la conférence de donateurs de l'UA."



Somalia/Horn of Africa

The Council discussed the situation in Somalia and the Horn of Africa. It had an exchange of views during a working lunch with the President of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. The Council adopted the following conclusions:

" 1. The EU welcomes the end of the transition in Somalia as a historic opportunity to leave behind two decades of conflict. Adoption of a provisional Constitution, the selection of a Federal Parliament and the election of a new President bring new prospects for lasting peace and prosperity to Somalia. The visit of President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud to the EU is a sign of its recognition of the new political setting in Somalia and of a strengthened partnership between the EU and Somalia

  • 2. 
    The EU stresses the importance of Somali ownership and underlines the primary responsibility of the Somali authorities to re-build a country free from the threat of violence and organised crime, economically viable, engaged with its neighbours and the international community. Reflecting a shift of paradigm in EU-Somalia relations and consistent with its comprehensive approach, the EU is committed to supporting the new Government's vision and priorities. It undertakes to sustain its collective efforts to support Somalia's transformation and to engage more directly with the Somali people and institutions. In this context, the EU encourages the accession of Somalia to the Cotonou Agreement
  • 3. 
    The Council welcomes the announcement by the High Representative/Vice-President (HR/VP) and the Somali President that Somalia and the EU will host a Conference in Brussels that will focus on medium- and long-term priorities and needs of Somalia and its people. The aim of the Conference will be to endorse a Compact between Somalia and the international community that will guide the reconstruction of Somalia, based on the Busan New Deal Principles for Fragile States. The Conference will focus on building a new political order in Somalia, promoting its socio-economic development and establishing the rule of law and security. The EU also welcomes the UK initiative to host a Conference that will focus on the immediate priorities of strengthening security, justice, public financial management and supporting the political progress of Somalia. The EU welcomes the engagement of the Somali Federal Government in co-hosting the two conferences



  • 4. 
    The EU supports the Somali President's immediate priority of extending security in the country. On the basis of a revised National Stabilisation and Security Plan (NSSP) and related security sector reform strategies, the EU will continue to help develop Somali security capacity accountable to political authority as well as rule of law capacity across the country, providing protection for the population and respecting human rights. The EU highlights the importance of international coordination and complementarity in support of Somalia's security sector development

Since 2010, the EU Training Mission (EUTM) Somalia has successfully trained nearly 3,000 Somali soldiers, which now constitute the core of the Somali National Armed Forces. Building on its success and responding to the evolving needs of the Somali authorities, the Council decided on 22 January 2013 to extend the mandate of the EUTM Somalia until 31 March 2015 and to appoint Brigadier General Aherne as the Mission Commander. The mission will provide training as well as advice to help building effective, well-integrated, self-sustainable and accountable Somali National Armed Forces in continued close cooperation with the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), Uganda and the US and other partners. As the security situation allows, EUTM will gradually transfer its activities from Uganda to Somalia

The EU has also supported the rule of law sector. It has supported judicial capacities and the training and payment of stipends of Somali Police Forces, in close cooperation with the UN. In addition, its EUCAP NESTOR mission will assist Somalia and states in the region to develop self-sustainable capacities to enhance maritime security and governance, including judicial capacities

  • 5. 
    The EU commends the efforts of the AMISOM and welcomes the completion of the AU strategic review. AMISOM can be expected to continue to play a vital role in bringing security to Somalia while the capacity of Somali security forces develops. Considering that support to AMISOM remains one of the EU's priorities in Africa, the EU reiterates its readiness to continue to provide significant support to AMISOM through the African Peace Facility. It also calls upon other donors to ensure predictable and sustainable funding for AMISOM
  • 6. 
    The EU welcomes the completion of the United Nations (UN) strategic review of its presence in Somalia, and looks forward to an enhanced UN role in Somalia, including in relation to the effective coordination of international engagement, in support of peace- and state-building



  • 7. 
    The EU underlines the importance of reconciling the nation and of building accountable and transparent institutions at local, regional and national levels, through an approach inclusive of all clans and social groups. The EU will support the Government's efforts to promote democracy, the rule of law and strengthen the respect of human rights. The EU stresses the importance of adopting a final Constitution by referendum, reflecting the will of all Somalis, of encouraging dialogue and peaceful interactions between the centre and the regions, and of preparing for elections. It will also support inclusive local development and reconciliation efforts. The EU underlines the critical role of civil society and the media in the process of transformation
  • 8. 
    The EU also undertakes to support the socio-economic recovery that is needed to improve the welfare and livelihoods of Somalis. It will support basic service provision, strengthen public finance management and support the country's re-engagement with the international financial institutions. The EU will help to build resilience, including through linking relief, rehabilitation and development in delivering EU assistance to Somalia
  • 9. 
    The EU will continue to provide humanitarian assistance to meet the most urgent needs of the people of Somalia, in full respect of the humanitarian principles of neutrality, humanity, impartiality and independence. It calls on all parties in Somalia to ensure safe and unhindered access to humanitarian aid and to comply with their obligations under international humanitarian law
  • 10. 
    The EU notes that improved conditions on land will also contribute to tackling the root causes of piracy off the coast of Somalia. It commends the success of the EU's naval operation EUNAVFOR ATALANTA in the fight against piracy. The EU aims to consolidate the containment of piracy in the Western Indian Ocean through ATALANTA, while limiting the ability of piracy groups to operate from land by building Somali law enforcement capacity, including through EUCAP NESTOR, and disrupting the piracy networks including its financiers and logistics. It will do so together with the Somali authorities, taking in to account their evolving needs as well as the political and security situation on the ground, and using its Common Security and Defence Policy missions and operations and other EU instruments in a coherent and mutually reinforcing way



  • 11. 
    The EU remains concerned about the continuous threat which terrorism poses to Somalia itself, the wider region and at a global level. The EU has committed to help build regional capacities to tackle the threat of terrorism, to support regional law enforcement cooperation and counter violent extremism, including through the work of the Global Counter-Terrorism Forum, working with regional bodies, national governments in the Horn and in Yemen, and with key partners such as the UN and the AU. The Council therefore notes that Member States have endorsed today an EU Counter-Terrorism Action Plan for the Horn of Africa and Yemen within their sphere of competence
  • 12. 
    The EU recognises that a precondition for peace, security and prosperity in Somalia is stability in its wider neighbourhood. It emphasises the need for the countries of the region to step up efforts to build good neighbourly relations, develop regional capacities and forge regional cooperation and integration, in particular in the economic field, and to lay the foundation for a regional political, economic and security framework. As a first step, the EU urges Somalia and its neighbours to reach a good neighbourliness agreement under the auspices of the Inter-Governmental Authority for Development (IGAD) and with the support of its partners. It further encourages Somalia's active engagement in IGAD and urges all countries of the region to demonstrate their willingness to settle bilateral disputes in its framework. As set out in the EU Strategic Framework for the Horn of Africa, the EU stands ready to facilitate and to work closely with the AU and with IGAD and its member states to achieve these objectives, including through the efforts of the EU Special Representative for the Horn of Africa

The EU emphasises the importance of peaceful and credible elections in Kenya in March 2013 for the country's security and prosperity and that of the wider region."

The Arctic

The Council exchanged views on proposed steps towards an EU policy on the Arctic, as outlined in the related joint communication of the Commission and the High Representative

United States of America

The Council held an exchange on the foreign policy priorities likely to feature on the agenda of President Obama's second administration




Closer cooperation and regional integration in the Maghreb

The Council adopted the following conclusions:

" 1. Réaffirmant l'importance stratégique du voisinage européen et rappelant les conclusions du Conseil sur la Politique européenne de voisinage (PEV) du 20 Juin 2011, le Conseil se félicite de la communication conjointe intitulée «Soutenir le renforcement de la coopération et de l'intégration régionale au Maghreb : Algérie, Libye, Mauritanië, Maroc et Tunisie » et félicite la Haute Représentante et la Commission pour la vaste gamme de propositions énoncées dans la communication

  • 2. 
    Le Conseil se félicite que la communication ait été élaborée dans un esprit de solidarité et de partenariat a un moment oü la région du Maghreb, qui demeure une priorité clé pour l'UE, connaït des changements historiques et profonds
  • 3. 
    Le Conseil accueille favorablement le principe sous-jacent a la communication selon lequel l'élan vers le changement et les décisions quant aux modalités pour réaliser au mieux l'intégration appartiennent uniquement aux pays du Maghreb eux-mêmes
  • 4. 
    Les propositions de la communication définissent un agenda de soutien de l'UE aux cinq pays du Maghreb dans leurs propres efforts vers une coopération plus étroite et une plus grande intégration régionale, notamment dans le cadre de l'Union du Maghreb arabe (UMA). Les politiques de l'UE envers la région du Maghreb complètent et développent l'étendue des mesures figurant dans le Partenariat pour la démocratie et la prospérité partagée dans le contexte de l'approche renouvelée de la Politique européenne de voisinage, laquelle est fondée sur le principe de différenciation. Le Conseil se félicite également de l'accent mis dans la communication sur les réformes démocratiques et le développement économique inclusif, ainsi que sur les cadres de coopération existants dans la région, en particulier l'Union pour la Méditerranée (UpM) et le 5+5, et rappelle le röle de la Ligue des Etats arabes. Par ailleurs, le Conseil souligne que les initiatives de coopération régionale se renforcent réciproquement




  • 5. 
    Au vu des derniers événements dans la région du Sahara/Sahel, qui mettent en évidence la gravité de la menace terroriste contre cette région, l'Europe et le Maghreb, le Conseil accueille favorablement les propositions de la communication concernant la coopération en matière de sécurité, y compris la lutte contre le terrorisme et surveillance des frontières, et demande a la Haute Représentante et a la Commission d'ceuvrer, en coopération avec le coordinateur européen pour la lutte contre le terrorisme, en vue de leur réalisation afin de renforcer 1'engagement avec les pays de la région
  • 6. 
    Le Conseil attend avec intérêt de développer la discussion au sujet des propositions de la Haute Représentante et de la Commission. Le Conseil souligne l'importance de la poursuite du dialogue sur la communication avec les pays du Maghreb et du partage de son contenu avec le public dans ces pays. Dans ce contexte, il se félicite de la proposition de tenir un dialogue a haut niveau entre 1'UE et les pays du Maghreb et espère qu'une première réunion pourra avoir lieu bientöt pour discuter des questions d'intérêt commun. Le Conseil souhaite faire le point sur la mise en ceuvre de la communication en Décembre 2013."

Iraq - restrictive measures

The Council amended regulation concerning certain specific restrictions on economic and financial relations with Iraq. This will permit the transfer of frozen funds to the successor arrangements to the Development Fund for Iraq put in place by the Government of Iraq under the conditions set out in UN Security Council resolutions 1483 (2003) and 1956 (2010)

Temporary reception of certain Palestinians

The Council extended the validity of national permits for the entry and stay of certain Palestinians in the EU, granted in accordance with common position /CFSP, for a further 12 months

Afghanistan - restrictive measures

The Council amended the restrictive measures in view of the situation in Afghanistan so as to take account of decisions taken by the United Nations. It updated one entry and deleted three other entries from the list of those subject to the sanctions. The restrictions consist in a travel ban and an assets freeze



EU action against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction

The Council approved the six-monthly progress report on the implementation of the EU strategy against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, covering the second semester of 2012

Tunisia - restrictive measures

The Council extended the sanctions against persons responsible for the misappropriation of Tunisian state funds, including former Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, by 12 months, i.e. until 31 January 2014


EU support for sustainable change in transition societies

The Council adopted conclusions on EU support for sustainable change in transition societies, see .

The initiative refers to countries transforming their societies into inclusive democracies, in the EU's neighbourhood or elsewhere. EU support to transition processes will aim at promoting democratic governance, human rights and the rule of law, economic and social welfare, as well as peace and stability. Strong emphasis will be put on easing social inequality, with a focus on women's and children's rights. To achieve these goals, the EU will make use of the wide array of existing EU policies, ranging from the common foreign and security policy to development cooperation


EU exercise programme 2013-2015

The Council approved the EU exercise programme for 2013-2015. It consists of different types of crisis management exercises

Support for border security in Libya

The Council approved the crisis management concept for a possible civilian CSDP border security mission in Libya. For details, see press release .