Europarlementariërs ontmoeten collega's uit de zes landen van het Oostelijk Partnerschap (en)
A delegation of 37 Members of the European Parliament is in Baku, Azerbaijan, this week to meet their counterparts from Eastern Partnership countries in the second ordinary session of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly on 2-4 April in the Milli Mejlis (Azerbaijani Parliament).
Four topical reports are to be adopted at the second ordinary session, on energy infrastructure, the future of democracy and free and independent media, trade agreements and cooperation between governments and civil society in both the Eastern Partnership and in the EU countries. Issues to do with the participation of Belarus will also be discussed during the meetings.
Euronest Parliamentary Assembly Co-President Kristian Vigenin (S&D, BG) is leading the European Parliament delegation. The Co-President for the eastern partners is Ukraine's former foreign minister,Borys Tarasuk.
What is Euronest?
The EURONEST Parliamentary Assembly is an EU/Eastern Partnership inter-parliamentary forum launched in Prague on May 7, 2009. It aims to step the EU's engagement with the six partner countries in the East (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine).
Euronest is responsible for parliamentary consultation, supervision and monitoring of the Eastern Partnership. It consists of the European Parliament delegation and the eastern European Partners' delegations. Due to political reasons, Belarus is not, for the time being, taking part in the Assembly's activities.
Information for journalists
Euronest Parliamentary Assembly committee meetings and the ordinary session are open to public, but accreditation is required to enter Milli Mejlis.
Journalists in particular invited are invited to attend:
the formal opening of the second ordinary session on Tuesday 3 April 2012, 12.00 - 13.00, Plenary Session Hall, Milli Mejlis and
a press conference by Kristian Vigenin and Borys Tarasyuk on Wednesday 4 April, 12.30 - 13.00, 2nd floor, Milli Mejlis
REF. : 20120402IPR42376