Poolse EU-commissaris wordt kandidaat bij Europese verkiezingen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 17 februari 2009, 9:15.

Polish regions commissioner Danuta Hubner i has said she will run in the June elections for the European Parliament, joining the list of the ruling liberal Civic Platform party.

"I can confirm that I will take part in the EP elections and I'm in talks regarding my participation with Prime Minister Donald Tusk i," she told Polish press agency PAP on Monday (16 January).

"I was always a liberal democrat, somebody who understands the link between individual freedom and social responsibility," added Ms Hubner, who came to Brussels in 2004 under a socialist government.

It is unclear which place she will take on the Civic Platform list, amid speculation that former Polish prime minister and potential European Parliament president Jerzy Buzek will take first place.

It is also unclear whether Ms Hubner would actually become an MEP if elected, seek a second term as commissioner or leave European politics.

Under European Commission procedure, she is likely to take a leave of absence from her Brussels post in May to join the Polish campaign, with Warsaw sending a temporary replacement.

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