Uitkomsten van de Raadsbijeenkomst van Justitie en Binnenlandse Zaken over gebruik internet in rechtsproces (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Portugees voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2007 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 1 oktober 2007.

In the present technologically developed Europe, justice must be able to satisfy the needs and expectations of citizens and companies. Thus, justice should resort to existing electronic tools so as to provide a quicker, more efficient, closer and inexpensive service.

In this context, the Ministers of Justice gathered in Lisbon in the Justice and Home Affairs informal council acknowledge the following:

  • a) 
    Substantial progress has been made in the development of concrete projects on e-justice at European level;
  • b) 
    Access to justice through electronic means is still hindered by Community and national legislation;
  • c) 
    Exchange of good practice between Member States is the best way for developing e-justice at national level;
  • d) 
    E-justice development will only fulfil its goals if is able to count on everyone's engagement, both European institutions and Member States.

The Ministers of Justice consider the following:

  • a) 
    Work on the detection of all obstacles to maximizing efficient use of information technology in the justice area, derived from Community and national legislation and in view of their elimination, should be started.
  • b) 
    Best practices on e-justice at European and international level should be compiled;
  • c) 
    A permanent forum for exchange of good national experiences on e-justice should be set up;
  • d) 
    Future Community instruments must insure preference is given whenever possible to the use of electronic means;
  • e) 
    E-justice portal must favour services that will facilitate access to judicial systems and registry systems from Member States by citizens and companies; in the medium term, it should nevertheless become the privileged access point not only by those entities but also by national authorities;
  • f) 
    A periodic assessment of e-justice's progress in the different Member States should be established.

Click here  to know more about this meeting