Raad van Europa bezorgd over beperking fundamentele vrijheden in Wit-Rusland (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van Europa (RvE) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 14 december 2005.

Strasbourg, 14.12.2005 - The Romanian Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe expresses its deep concern with respect to the situation of human rights in Belarus. The recent decision of the Belarusian National Assembly to pass a bill amending the penal code will further undermine the rights to freedom of assembly, freedom of association and freedom of expression of individuals, non-governmental organisations and political parties in Belarus.

We urge the Belarusian authorities to reconsider their position with respect to this bill and to reject those provisions that might restrict in any way the exercise of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

The Romanian Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers recalls the final declaration of the Warsaw Summit, stating that the Organisation "looks forward to the day when Belarus is ready to join the Council of Europe" and will become a natural part of the European democratic community.

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