The Future of Europe: Declaration by EU Presidents

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 29 januari 2020.

The Presidents of the European Parliament, European Council and European Commission will make statements on the future of Europe this Friday, 31 January at 11.00 in the Parlamentarium.

Following their meeting this Thursday at the Jean Monnet i House in Bazoches, France, Presidents Sassoli i, Michel and von der Leyen will present their reflections on Europe’s political challenges and on the Conference on the future of Europe.

Where: Parlamentarium, European Parliament, Esplanade Solidarność

When: Friday 31 January at 11.00

Access for media will be possible from 09.00.

All accredited journalists can enter on presentation of a valid access badge. Those not in possession of one should register for a short term badge for the event at the following link:

You can follow the event live on EbS+ and EP TV.