Paris, Syria & Migration discussed at EU Foreign Affairs Council

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Dienst voor Extern Optreden (EDEO) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 16 november 2015.

The terrorist attacks in Paris, the crisis in Syria and migration were at the core of the discussion at the EU Foreign Affairs Council today in Brussels. A minute of silence was observed in memory of the victims in Paris. During the meeting Ministers also issued statements on the violence in Burundi amongst other subjects.

The terrorist attacks in Paris, the crisis in Syria and migration were at the core of the discussion at the EU Foreign Affairs Council today in Brussels. A minute of silence was observed in memory of the victims in Paris. During the meeting Ministers also issued statements on the violence in Burundi amongst other subjects.

Speaking to the press after Chairing the Foreign Affairs Council, EU High Representative Federica Mogherini i underlined that "terrorism is a global threat and requires a global response". The international community, she said, "has to stay united in tackling the threats" and in doing that "it is vital we stick to our values". During the meeting, she said, "I shared with the ministers the view that it's not diversity that threatens us, but the fear of diversity".

The key, Mogherini stated, would be solving crises such as in Syria. "A political solution is the only possible way to defeat Da'esh (ISIS) in Syria and Iraq", she said. The process has started in Vienna and the international community is working on three things in parallel; starting a political process; working on a ceasefire (except against terrorist groups); and humanitarian assistance to the Syrian people. She said the only way to make progress was to bring all sides together.

On migration, she said in discussions between EU Foreign Ministers they had agreed that dealing with terrorist acts must not be confused with helping genuine refugees. The High Representative also said that they had discussed the follow up to recent meetings on migrant routes through the Western Balkans and Mediterranean.

On the Middle East peace process she said she had updated Foreign Ministers on steps forward and rules of origin adopted last week and they will come back to this in December.

Following the Foreign Affairs Council, the EU and Georgia held their second Association Council, which strongly condemned the terrorist attacks in Paris. The meeting positively assessed the significant progress in EU-Georgia relations over the past year.

Press Conference

Q & A


Remarks by High Representative/ Vice- President Federica Mogherini at the press conference following the Foreign Affairs Council

Council Conclusions

Joint press release following the second Association Council meeting between the European Union and Georgia








Mediterranean & Middle East,

Middle East Peace Process,


Occupied Palestinian Territory,




