Indicative programme - Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting of 22 October 2015

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 19 oktober 2015.

Place: European Convention Center, Luxembourg

Chair(s): Fernand Etgen, Minister for Agriculture, Viticulture and Consumer Protection of Luxembourg

All times are approximate and subject to change

+/- 09.00 (ttbc)

Doorstep - Luxembourg minister of agriculture

+/- 10.00

Beginning of the Council meeting

+/- 10.15

Adoption of non-legislative A items

+/- 10.20

Fisheries: Baltic Sea (fishing opportunities 2016)

AOBs (agriculture):

  • Visegrad group meeting - Situation of markets (CZ)
  • Sustainable crop protection (NL)
  • Commission reports on foods for particular uses
  • Conference - Non-GMO agriculture
  • G7 Health ministers meeting - Antibiotic resistance

+/- 13.00

Lunch - "Impact of a decision of the European Patent office (EPO) on the plant breeders' rights regime"

+/- 15.20

Agriculture contribution to climate change

+/- 17.15

Fisheries: EU-Norway

+/- 18.15

Fisheries: Baltic sea final compromise

+/- 18.45 (ttbc)

Press conference