New rail line to Wroclaw Airport receives EU support

Met dank overgenomen van Uitvoerend Agentschap voor Innovatie en Netwerken (INEA) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 28 november 2014.

The EU's TEN-T Programme will invest over €600,000 for studies on a new rail connection between the airport and the city centre of Wrocław in Poland. The new line is expected to trigger increased air traffic and promote green passenger and freight transport to and from the airport.

The project will contribute to the airport's development into an important transport node connected by different, interoperable transport modes. The new line will also increase the accessibility of Lower Silesia and improve its traffic capacity to enhance the region's economic growth.

The study will come up with the environmental documentation, construction and execution designs, as well as legal, financial and quality procedures preparing the rail line's construction.

The project was selected for EU funding with the assistance of external experts under the TEN-T Annual Call 2013, priority 'Multimodal transport'. Its implementation will be monitored by INEA, the European Commission's Innovation and Networks Executive Agency.

The project is to be completed by December 2015.

More information

Project: 2013-PL-91065-S

The TEN-T Programme was established by the European Commission to support the construction and upgrade of transport infrastructure across the European Union.

The INEA is managing the technical and financial implementation of the TEN-T programme.
