Raad Buitenlandse Zaken maakt balans op van ontwikkelingen in Afrika (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 26 juli 2013.

Issue #75-26 July 2013


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Common Security and Defence Policy ^JL-


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EU Security and Defence news

The e-newsletter on EU Common Security and Defence Policy activities


Ministers Hague and Erjavec with HR/VP Ashton at the Foreign Affairs Council on 22 July

Foreign Affairs Council takes stock of developments in Africa

On 22 July the Foreign Affairs Council took stock of developments I in Africa, focussing on I the Great Lakes region land the Democratic Republic of the Congo, on Somalia and on Mali: I Recalling its long standing engagement in the region, the EU confirmed its determination to continue to contribute to lasting stability and development in the Great Lakes Region. The latest crisis in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has demonstrated the need fora reinvigor-ated comprehensive approach, addressing the local, national and regional roots of conflict, especially those of North and South Kivu

Strong ownership by governments, civil society organisations and other stakeholders in the region is essential to the successful implementation of the "Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the DRC and the Region" signed in Addis on 24 February. The EU and its Member States will contribute actively to the success of these efforts through a coordinated response to the political, security and development process

For more information please see the Council conclusions on the Great Lakes Region

The EU further welcomed the progress made in Somalia in establishing the foundations for rebuilding the Somali state by the Federal Government of Somalia. It reconfirmed its support for the Federal Government and urged it to reach out to all regions of the country and engage in inclusive dialogue to build a viable and stable representative federal State. The EU equally urged regions to engage with the Government in this process

The Federal Somali Government will present its overarching political vision resulting from an inclusive dialogue with all Somali stakeholders and regions at the New Deal Conference for Somalia on 16 September in Brussels

The New Deal Compact is a strategic means to ensure well-coordinated, effective implementation of Somalia's most vital political, security and socio-economic priorities found within the Federal Government's Six Pillar Policy as well as those of other regions. The New Deal Conference offers a platform for Somali reconciliation and rebuilding trust

For more information please see the Council conclusions on Somalia For the main results of the Council please click here

Commission supports CSDP with action plan on defence cooperation

The successive waves of cuts in defence budgets and the persisting fragmentation of defence markets in Europe threaten Europe's capacity to sustain effective defence capabilities and a competitive defence industry

Eurocopter Tiger

(C) Eurocopter

This would jeopardises Europe's capacity to meet the new security challenges in an autonomous and effective way states the European Commission. On 24 July it has presented a Communication which contains an Action Plan to enhance the efficiency and competitiveness of Europe's defence and security sector. The Communication foresees measures to strengthen the internal market for defence, to promote a more competitive defence industry and to foster synergies between civil and military research

Options were explored in other areas such as energy, space and dual-use capabilities. The Commission invited Heads of State and Government to discuss the Communication at the European Council in December 2013, together with the report prepared by HR/VP Catherine Ashton

President of the Commission José Manuel Barroso said:"Wewill not have the weight we need in the world without a common defence policy. To support it, we need to strengthen our defence and security sector. In times of scarce resources, cooperation is key and we need to match ambitions and resources to avoid duplication of programmes. It's time to do more together and it's time to commit and engage for more Defence cooperation. This is what I am looking forward to seeing at the European Council in December"

HR/VP Ashton said: "The EU has the ambition to act as a security provider, in its neighbourhood and globally, both to protect its own interests and contribute to international peace and security. To be able to do so, we need capabilities. And to have capabilities, a sound industrial base is vital. This is also important in terms of jobs, growth and innovation. The European Council of December 2013 is an important moment to discuss the future of security and defence in Europe, and the Commission is making an important contribution to what needs to be a collective effort involving Member States, the EEAS and the European Defence Agency."

For more information please see the press release and the memo

Le second bataillon malien poursuit sa formation a Koulikoro

EUFOR Commander attends Srebrenica Commemoration

Soldats du second bataillon malien

Le Conseil des Affaires étrangères a salué le 22 juillet I'aboutissement du cycle de formation du premier bataillon malien v par la mission mili-W;.jp$ taire EUTM Mali, y compris dans les domaines des droits de l'Homme et du droit international humanitaire, et le lance-ment de la formation du deuxième bataillon

Ce second bataillon désigné par l'État malien pour suivre la formation dispensée par EUTM Mali a entamé le 9 juillet son cycle d'instruction sur le camp de Koulikoro. Commandé par le lieutenant-colonel Samaké, le 2e bataillon est constitué princi-palement de soldats issus de la 8e région militaire de Sikasso, ainsi que d'éléments venus de I'ensemble du Mali. Le bataillon est articulé autour de trois compagnies d'infanterie, renfor-cées d'unités d'appui spécialisées (combat blindé, appuis feux, génie, logistique). Après une première semaine devaluation, le bataillon va entamer deux semaines de formation commune « infanterie », avant de suivre la phase d'instruction par spécialité

L'Union européenne a également reconnu I'engagement pris par les autorités maliennes de tout entreprendre pour gar-antir Ie bon déroulement, la crédibilité et la transparence de l'élection présidentielle, dont le premier tour aura lieu le 28 juillet, et des élections législatives qui suivront. A la demande des autorités maliennes, TUE a commencé de déployer une mission d'observation électorale

Le Conseil a souligné qu'il est essentiel que l'accord préliminaire de paix du 18 juin signé par les autorités de Bamako et les mouvements armés du Nord Mali soit mis en oeuvre dans toutes ses dispositions et conformément a son calendrier, de manière a permettre la tenue pacifique d'élections dans la région de Kidal grace au redéploiement progressif des forces de sécurité et de 1'administration

Pour plus d'information veuillez consulter les conclusions du Conseil relatives au Mali

Posts in CSDP Missions EUBAM Rafah (deadline 26 July 2013) EULEX Kosovo (deadline 13 September 2013)

Srebrenica Commemoration

On 11 July Commander of EUFOR, Major General Dieter Heidecker, visited the Memorial Centre Srebrenica - where 18 years ago forces attacked the UN-protected 'safe area' of Srebrenica, and subsequently committed genocide by killing around 8,000 men and boys and forcibly expelling around 30,000 women, children and elderly people

Senior representatives from the International Community in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) were in attendance including the High Representative to BiH, Valentin Inzko, Presidency Member for BiH Bakir Izetbegovic, EU Special Representative Peter Sorensen, and Commander NATO HQ Sarajevo, Brigadier General Merle D. Hart

Also paying their respects were thousands of people who had travelled to the memorial for the burial of 409 victims of the genocide

Thousands of participants took part in an 80-kilometre Peace March along a route from Nezukto Potocari, one of the routes by which dozens of men managed to escape the massacre in 1995

For more information please see the EUFOR Althea website


Brigadier General Bruno Guibert was appointed on 19 July new Head of Mission for the EU training mission in Mali (EUTM Mali).

General Guibert, from France, will take up his duties on 1 August. He will succeed Brigadier General Francois Lecointre, who had been in the position since the mission was established in January

Etienne de Poncins was appointed on 23 July new Head of Mission for the EU mission on regional maritime capacity building in the Horn of Africa (EUCAP Nestor).

Mr de Poncins, from France, will initially remain until 15 July 2014. He has succeeded Jacques Launay, who had been in the position since July 2012