EP-voorzitter Schulz verwelkomt Kroatië (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Voorzitter Europees Parlement (EP-voorzitter) i, gepubliceerd op zondag 30 juni 2013.

European Parliament President Martin Schulz i made the following statement on the eve of Croatia's accession to the European Union.

"I am delighted to welcome Croatia to the European Union on 1 July 2013. I am travelling to Zagreb to celebrate this happy and historic event. It is good news when a family grows, especially our family of values, committed to democracy, justice and the rule of law.

It is historic day for the EU and Croatia. Europe is taking another important step towards reunification, and Croatia opens a new chapter in its history.

We live in difficult times. Recession is hitting hard Croatia and many other European countries. EU membership will offer no magic solution to the crisis. But it will help to lift many people out of poverty and modernise the economy. Croatia will receive funds to build roads, clean up the environment and increase research and development.

Since its foundation the European Union has been a promise of peace. For the Western Balkans, a region that only some years ago was torn apart and devastated by war, Europe has become a magnet of peace and change. Croatia has become a pioneer: You have created institutions based on the values of democracy and the rule of law; you have reformed your economy and made it more competitive. You have demonstrated that through determination and hard-work EU membership is within reach.

On behalf of the European Parliament, I want to pay tribute to Croatian citizens for continuing on the path of reform."

Note to Editors:

EP i President Martin Schulz travels to Zagreb to celebrate Croatia's accession to the EU at ceremonies at midnight Sunday and on Monday morning - 1 July 2013.

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