is nu klaar voor gebruik, met alles wat je moet weten over het Ierse voorzitterschap (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Iers voorzitterschap Europese Unie eerste helft 2013 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 17 december 2012.

Ireland assumes the Presidency of the Council of the European Union on 1 January. The Irish Presidency website,, goes live today.

Today sees the launch of the Irish Presidency website, will be a key Irish Presidency resource for you and we hope that media and officials across Europe will find it useful. It has important practical purposes - to share Presidency news quickly; to outline the arrangements for our Presidency meetings including accreditation; to help you to find the Irish contact you need to speak to.

We have also used the site to set out clearly and simply some background on our Presidency, and on the EU, and to showcase Ireland for our Presidency visitors.

The website will be the primary source of the latest Presidency news, with a flow of up to date reporting and feature articles, in English, Irish, French and German. Users will be able to follow the Presidency on the go, through the mobile version of the website, and via the Presidency Twitter account. contains a full calendar of all the meetings taking place in Brussels and in Dublin. Delegates and media will obtain their accreditation on line, and will be able to access all the information they need before, during and after each meeting. Major events will be livestreamed on the website. will be a key Irish Presidency resource

Visitors to the site can find the person they need to speak to - a press spokesperson, an official in our Permanent Representation in Brussels, a civil servant in Dublin - through our online contacts page and our Who’s Who of the Presidency.

The website also has background information to explain the work of the Presidency, and of the EU. And the Presidency is an opportunity for those who don’t already know us well to get to know Ireland. You will find lots of information about Ireland - our Government, our history, our culture - as well as tips to help you get the best out of a visit.

We look forward to welcoming you to our site, which we will be updating constantly in the run-up to and throughout the Presidency.