Overeenkomst bereikt over vangstquota in de visserijsector (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Cypriotisch voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2012 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 29 november 2012.

The Cyprus Presidency has today, November 29, guided the Agriculture and Fisheries Council to a fisheries agreement on total allowable catches (TACs) and quotas for certain deep sea stocks.

Today, the EU Fisheries Ministers reached an agreement on the Proposal for Council Regulation on fishing opportunities for certain deep-sea stocks for 2013 and 2014.

These species are slow-growing and long-lived, which makes them particularly vulnerable to fishing activity. Scientific knowledge on the longevity and growth of these species, has improved considerably compared to previous years, although there is still need for improvement for some species.

Cyprus’ Minister of Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment, Mr Sofoclis Aletraris - who chaired the Council, noted that “a relevant increase was given in quotas for 2013-2014 concerning basic species, for which sufficient scientific knowledge was available. However, a decrease of quotas was decided for species on which the scientific data was not enough, in the spirit of preventive approach. We also took into consideration the sensitivities of Member States, so that future viability isn’t affected”.

After long discussions and consultations, the Council reached an agreement which was based mainly on scientific advice, the goal for achieving maximum sustainable yield by 2015, where possible, and a case by case approach to tackling each TAC.

Also during today’s meeting, the Council exchanged views on the annual consultations between the EU and Norway in the framework of the bilateral agreement and it was decided that a technical committee will be formed, in order to assess technical issues that concern some countries, something that will lead to the finalisation of the Agreement.