Europese Unie verbetert samenwerking met Singapore op gebied van innovatie en wetenschap (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Onderzoek en Innovatie (RTD) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 2 maart 2012.

The EU i and Singapore have a long and successful history of cooperation in research and innovation especially in the field information and communication technologies. The European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science Máire Geoghegan-Quinn is currently visiting Singapore, the regional research and innovation hub in South East Asia, in the context of the EU-ASEAN Year of Science, Technology and Innovation 2012'.

Overcoming fragmentation

The purpose of this visit is to strengthen EU-Singapore cooperation in areas where Singapore is leader, in particular in the biomedical sciences, physical sciences & engineering, and Information and Communication technologies. The visit is also an opportunity to promote the EU-ASEAN bi-regional dialogue in science and technology in the context of the 'EU-ASEAN Year of Science, Technology and Innovation 2012' in which Singapore takes an active role. Increasing cooperation with international partners in areas of common interest is a central element of Horizon 2020: the new EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for the period 2014-2020. Through working with international partners EU researchers, including regional blocks of countries such ASEAN, will be able to tackle more effectively global research challenges, build scientific excellence and develop new and innovative industrial and enabling technologies.

While in Singapore the Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn will meet Mr. Lim Chuan Poh, Chairman of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*Star) and his Managing Director Prof. LOW Teck Seng; as well as Dr Francis Yeoh, Chief Executive Officer of the National Research Foundation.

The Commissioner will also visit 'ATMOL' a FP7 project involving Singaporean researchers from A*Star. She will give one keynote speech at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), one of the greatest universities of Singapore, on 'Sharing excellence in science, technology and innovation between Europe, Singapore and the ASEAN region".

Background information:

The 'EU -ASEAN Year of Science, Technology and Innovation 2012' is a year long campaign to deepen S&T collaboration between Europe and Southeast Asia. The year will increase awareness of the importance of bi-regional collaboration within the broader research community, as well as opening up new opportunities for researchers to link up and work together. It is driven by a wide range of stakeholders from the two regions (mostly S&T policy makers, universities and research organizations) and the media. Under the umbrella of the "Year", activities will take place in ASEAN and the EU to promote co-operation across all fields of science and technology, including the organisation of a "Partnership Symposium" on EU-ASEAN Research and Innovation Cooperation during the Euroscience Open Forum in July 2012 in Dublin (ESOF 2012).

For more information on:

International science and technology cooperation, please visit:

Horizon 2020, please visit:

'EU -ASEAN Year of Science, Technology and Innovation 2012':

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