Onderzoek gestart naar impact van Europese chemicaliënregistratie (en)
A new survey assesses the impact of REACH registration on EU businesses and the competitiveness of the European chemicals industry
Chemical industry has just gone through an unprecedented procedure involving ten thousands of chemical enterprises, more than three million notifications on the classification of chemical substances and some 25.000 registrations dossiers. This enormous effort marks a major step towards the safe management and use of chemicals throughout Europe. However, these new REACH obligations impacted also enterprises in terms of availability of supplies, higher prices, administrative burdens, manpower, etc.
Therefore, a survey has been launched to evaluate the impact of REACH on EU businesses, in particular, to assess the impact of the regulation on the operation of the single market and the competitiveness of the European chemicals industry. The data from this survey, along with information from 11 other studies, will be used by the European Commission for a first extensive evaluation of REACH. A summary of the results of the survey together with the study report will be published by the European Commission.
REACH has been in force for 5 years, and several important milestones in its implementation have already passed. As a result of REACH, European industry will possess more in-depth knowledge of the potentially hazardous effects of the chemicals they are dealing with. The regulation obliges companies to provide information on how they manage the risks that chemicals can pose to human health and the environment.
Are you a chemical company or using chemicals? Then please let us know how the REACH has affected your company and help us make it working better: http://cses.co.uk/reach_survey