Roep om meer transparantie in regionale fondsen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 15 juni 2010, 13:33.

Regional development projects receiving EU funding should be presented on the Commission's web site, so as to "facilitate an EU-wide overview of the data" by interested public parties, says a resolution passed by Parliament today. MEPs also urge EU auditors to be tougher on non-compliance with information requirements and procedures, including naming, shaming and financial penalties for fraudsters.

Better disclosure of data on EU funding beneficiaries

MEPs note that it is still "extremely difficult to keep track of how public money is being used" and that the degree to which such information is made public differs substantially from one country to another, making EU-wide comparison difficult.

The resolution calls on the Commission to provide more information on beneficiaries: all stakeholders should be listed, say MEPs, and the Commission's web site should give a summary and description of each project, translated into English, French or German.

Naming and shaming fraudsters

Parliament "urges auditors to take a tougher line on communication and information requirements, including ‘naming and shaming’ - particularly if a governmental actor is involved - and the use of financial corrections in confirmed cases of fraud".

Finally, MEPs ask the Commission to monitor the use of increased advance payments received by Member States, following recent simplifications of the rules governing structural funds (amending Regulation 1083/2006).

The own-initiative resolution on transparency in regional policy and its funding (rapporteur: Michail TREMOPOULOS (Greens/EFA, EL),  was approved with 629 votes in favour, 6 against and 26 abstentions.

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