Gemarginaliseerde gemeenschappen zoals de Roma zouden geld voor huisvesting uit Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling moeten krijgen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 4 november 2009, 14:11.

Marginalised communities, such as the Roma, in all member states should get EU regional funding for housing, decided the Regional Development Committee on Wednesday. Until now, only urban social housing improvements in new member states were eligible for European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) money.

While not increasing the overall EU budget, the amended ERDF regulation would enable all member states to use this funding to supplement aid from other sources (European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and national instruments), to tackle housing problems of their marginalised communities.

The committee removed the limitation allowing the ERDF money for housing improvements of marginalised communities to be used only in new member states (EU-12). According to the MEPs, such communities in all member states need to be eligible for ERDF support. 

Funding for all member states

Another amendment proposed by the Commission and approved by the committee will enable the ERDF money to be used for the renovation of existing housing as well as for the replacement of existing houses by new ones, irrespective of the area (urban or rural). Until now, it could only be used for the renovation of existing social housing in urban areas.

The proposal refers specifically to the Roma population, as the largest marginalised community in Europe, but says that others similar socio-economic circumstances should not be excluded.

The report by Lambert van Nistelrooij was adopted with 34 votes in favour, 3 against, and 1 abstention.