EU en VS ontmoeten politieke leiders Bosnië (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Zweeds voorzitterschap Europese Unie 2e helft 2009 i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 9 oktober 2009.

Due to the stagnated political developments in Bosnia and the deadlocked situation between the political parties in the country, the EU and the USA, in a joint effort, will today, Friday, arrange a meeting in Sarajevo with the country’s party leaders to begin a process aimed at unblocking the political situation.

“Bosnia needs to move away from being a kind of protectorate to becoming an independent, sovereign democracy,” says Minister for Foreign Affairs Carl Bildt, who represents the Council of Ministers via Sweden’s EU Presidency.

Also in Sarajevo is US Deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg and EU Commissioner for Enlargement Olli Rehn i.

Bosnia's national status is currently characterised by a strong international presence and a form of government in which power is divided along ethnic lines by the three ethnic groups concerned: Bosniacs, Serbs and Croats. Ahead of closer ties with the EU and possible NATO membership, it is necessary to have more efficient national institutions which can realise the necessary reforms to integrate the country with the EU and thus fulfil the requirements that membership entails.

“The goal of our initiative is to help Bosnians themselves to unblock the political situation,” says Mr Bildt.